14 years, 7 months ago
Not really sure, but any reason why you chose to install an old version of WordPress. 3.0 is the current version.
Why do you need a .php file created?
Try switching to the default WordPress theme (2010). See if the widget issue still exists.
This is actually the same issue as I had the other day. Check out this thread:
What error message do you get?
Does this also happen when the default theme is active? It could be your theme.
you can use a plugin like this:
If you are new to WordPress why not use the latest version? (3.0)
If you install the feedburner feedsmith plugin it should handle everything on WordPress’ side.
Thanks guys ?? I’ve learnt my lession
This would be very much like an archive page. Your theme may already come with one.
Upgrading is not a solution to fixing broken installations.
Care to share why? I’m interested
The categories themselves are pages.
Heres an example:
As long as the theme is compatible ??
WordPress search isn’t considered to be particularly good and it appears tags aren’t part of the search.
You could use something like this though to replace your search: