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    Thanks for your quick and helpful reply Diane. Yes it’s I’ve replaced the index.php file and it seems OK now. I’m not really concerned with persuing how it got there just getting rid of it.

    I’ve been recieving a lot of bounced spam which appears to have originated from this site and am wondering if it’s related…

    Anyway I recall having to edit files in earlier versions of WordPress – which did not impress me at all – that could be something to do with it. I don’t know. I found the upgrade instructions for version 2.1 not as clear as they could be. I was unsure which files I needed to retain. If, as I understand it, upgrades are to be available more frequently then a perhaps a more automated way of handling it could be considered.

    Thanks again, Robert

    I now see that my reasoning was a bit out. I have two uncorrected blogs. One does the pages correctly, e.g. ‘?page_id=18’ but the other is putting ‘/page_name/’ and hence failing to display.

    Any thoughts appreciated.

    I’m getting 404’s when I publish Pages and I’ve now realised what’s causing it but what’s the simplist way to overcome it?
    Posts are OK but Pages fail without an error message being created until the published page is viewed. The cause would seem to be that my webhosting provider does not permit use of the root except for index.html or index.php however that’s exactly where WordPress attempts, and in my case fails, to publish them. Using version 2.0.

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