Hi, there was a response yesterday. I was asked to confirm if your site was put on maintenance before your WooCommerce Payments account deposits were temporarily suspended?
I replied with, “I put it on maintenance?because of this issue. As you can see, I had a previous?order back in September and I was able to deposit it just fine. Not sure what the issue is this time.?“
Since then I tried to deactivate all plugins?except WooCommerce and WooCommerce Payment, made sure everything was up to date, and followed?the entire WooCommerce Self-Service Guide?to try and fix this issue.
Nothing helped. It takes a long time to get responses. The request number is (5905131).
Can you please help re-enable deposits on my account, my customer has already threatened?he’ll request a refund on the order. I need the money in my bank account to process the order!