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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Unknown column ‘estimated_reading_time_minutes’Same issue for me. Deactivating/re-activating has not resolved.
Only occuring on some pages. Can’t see a trend as to which pages.
Still no reply..
ATT: Vendor
My developer looked into this:
“When current page is category page or product page they get some category data and store in one array. But they did not put some pre check condition. So , i put those pre check condition like they have set on other code block. so error is gone now.
I applied my changes directly on plugin file on production site. I hope they will fix this in there next plugin update.”
Hopefully you can resolve this in the next update?
Duplicate, closing
I’m having the same issue. Much appreciated, great plugin!
Fantastic, thanks!
To clarify, this is tracking the more visual pre-optin right?
Is there a way to track the actual native optin as well? (I’m seeing a huge falloff between 1st optin and 2nd optin, trying to trace that down)
That’s fair for a free plugin and service.
For anyone else who needs this, I was able to configure Google Tag Manager to track how often the prompt appears and when people click Subscribe in the Webpushr prompt. It’s not perfect as it’s only tracking the 1st optin, not the native browser optin that appears after. However, it’s a pretty good start for understanding which sources/content are driving subscriptions and which rate.
WebPushr – Tracking views & subscription (intent) via Google Tag Manager (GTM)?
Thanks for reply!
But I would be hard coding a link (to the homepage) for IG where as the other buttons (Facebook, twitter, etc) are dynamically linking the page the user is on.
I would expect the buttons to all work the same way?
Is there a demo site where I can verify native functionality to confirm I havnt configured it wrong? Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP RSS Multi Importer] Lost all my feeds, same items getting repostedHaving the same problems, it’s only bringing in 1 feed item and appears to be bringing it the first item multiple times.
I followed the instructions to revert back to version 2.6.x but the exact same problem persists.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP RSS Multi Importer] Lost all my feeds, same items getting repostedThe new import_feeds.php didn’t appear to help.
Any assistance is much appreciated.
Site is
Thank you,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP RSS Multi Importer] Hook on autopost publish?Tested it and it looks like publish_post works.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Monitor] Where to find v3.3 documentation?Managed to find it on a different site: attempt to copy it here for safe keeping incase it’s removed there too.
Outputting your Downloads
Download monitor provides a variety of ways to output your downloads in your pages, posts, or templates.
Shortcodes are the best way of including downloads (these replace many of the legacy tags shown later).
Outputting a single Download
[download id=”1″ format=”1″ autop=”false”]
This shortcode outputs a single download of your choosing (set the id), with an optional custom format (replace the id in ‘format’), and an optional autop (true or false; false prevents wrapping the outputted content in p tags and is default). Valid examples:
[download id=”1″]
[download id=”2″ format=”2″]
Outputting multiple downloads
[downloads query="limit=5&orderby=rand" format="1" wrap="ul" before=" <li>" after="</li> " autop="false"]
This shortcode retrieves and outputs multiple downloads in posts. All of the options are optional.
‘query’ takes a query string containing a variety of options (see the get_downloads() function below; they use the same query string format). By default it retrieves 5 random downloads. A common request is showing a category using this shortcode; to do that you can add &category=1 (replacing 1 with the category ID) to the query string.
‘Format’ take a custom format ID to change how the downloads of outputted.
‘Wrap’ by default wraps the downloads in a unordered list; you can set this option to be blank if you want to wrap it with something else (like a table).
‘Before’ and ‘after’ are what each download will be wrapped in (by default this is a list item). If you modify these values you must ensure the code you insert is encoded e.g. replace < with <.
‘autop’ can be true or false; false prevents wrapping the outputted content in p tags and is default.
Valid examples:
[downloads query=”limit=5&orderby=hits”]
[downloads query=”limit=5&orderby=hits” format=”2″]
[download query="limit=5&orderby=hits" wrap="" before="<p>" after="</p>"]
Show a special download page
Use the [download_page] shortcode. See the ‘download page’ section for more info.
Parsing shortcodes in templates
Did you know you could output shortcodes in places other than posts? Just wrap your shortcode in the do_shortcode() function. Example:
do_shortcode(‘[download id=”1″]’);
get_downloads() template functionThis function returns downloads that match your query; it takes 1 argument containing the query string. The defaults are as follows:
'limit' => '', 'offset' => 0, 'vip' => 0 'category' => '', 'orderby' => 'id', 'order' => 'ASC'
As with many of wordpress’ functions, construct your query string using the above attributes linked together with an ampersand (&), e.g. limit=5&orderby=hits&order=desc.
‘limit‘ takes an integer and will return that many posts.
‘offset‘ takes an integer and will offset the returned posts by that number. e.g. offset of 1 would not return the first result.
‘vip‘ can be 1 (true) or 0 (false); if set to true, only downloads you have permission to access will be displayed (non members will not see member only downloads).
‘category‘ takes a comma separated list of category id’s and returns downloads in those categories.
‘orderby‘ orders the downloads. Valid options for this include id, hits, title, date, filename, and random. NEW: can also be ‘meta’ (but you must also add meta_name to the query).
‘meta_name‘ define the meta field to sort by when using orderby=meta. Only downloads with this meta field will show.
‘order‘ can be ‘ASC’ for ascending, and ‘DESC’ for descending.
get_downloads() returns an array object with the following data:
Usage Example: (Output a list of top downloads)$dl = get_downloads(‘limit=5&orderby=hits&order=desc’);
if (!empty($dl)) { echo '<ul class="downloadList">'; foreach($dl as $d) { $date = date("jS M Y", strtotime($d->date)); echo ' <li><a>url.'" title="'.__('Version',"wp-download_monitor").' '.$d->version.' '.__('downloaded',"wp-download_monitor").' '.$d->hits.' '.__('times',"wp-download_monitor").'" >'.$d->title.' ('.$d->hits.')</a></li> '; } echo ''; }
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Monitor] SEO titles for Download Monitor file and category pagesThx!
Thanks for the fix, it worked for me.
Unfortunately it started listing every single tag (400+ for me) so I added in some basic code to only show tags that were utilized more than 3 times.
foreach ($sized_tags as $tag=>$count) { // only show tags used more than twice if($count > 3) { $size = 80 + (($max-($max-($count-$min)))*$multiplier); $page .= '<li style="font-size:'.$size.'%"><a href="'.wp_dlmp_append_url('dltag='.urlencode(strtolower($tag))).'">'.$tag.'</a>'; } }
I’ve posted a way to overcome this here: