Forum Replies Created
Never mind — the less than stellar template I am using had an extraneuos php endif statement
I am not having luck with this fix. My WP 2.5 site has a 404 template. Previously, creating a bogus URL would generate a long running output with a concatenation of every page on my site. With this fix, (creating an unused Page and pointing the Post Pages menu to it, I get a blank (no HTML in the source) return page.
This site is a bit out of the usual structure – all the content pieces are WP page, there are now no Posts. I create a dummy post, yet I still get a blank for what should be my 404 template.
For TryoCawley – I do sites that do not put typical blog chronology on the front gae- I set the main front page to point at an existing WP page as the entry way tot he site. I would use a Posts Page as one templated to do a more traditional blog-like output on an internal page.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image Uploads Only Provides LinksIt got worse, when I looked at all my past uploads (under Manage) ALL previous uploaded images had no previews. I figured a plugin was interfering, and I got lucky as the first one I de-activated was PodPress 8.5, and just doing that fixed my problem.
Avoid PodPress, it has given me more grief than any other plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: CSS Not Always Reaching ClientWell yes, duh. The only thing is that it seems to happen infrequently. It shows up on the one shown in the flickr link as well as
My hunch was it had something to do with using in my header template, a style sheet reference for the roating banners that uses Image Rotator (
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
#header {background:black url(".../themes/.../images/banners/rotate.php") top left no-repeat;}
It seems better behaved when I reowrote the function to just return the name of the file, and embed in the style:
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Style not loading on FirefoxI’m having similar issues on — users of Firefox are occaisionnaly seeing unstyled content- a Shift-Reload clears it, but people think the site is broken.
The magic bullet did not work as the tool (a great one to have, so thanks) indicates our Apache server is sending it as text/css.
Also, just cleaned up 4 CSS validation errors (now validates). Also noticed that my CSS file had Mac encoded line returns, changed to unix (might that be an issue??)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: CSS Not Always Reaching ClientI sure wish I could get a reply ??
This *seems* to happen mostly with users of Firefox, one sent me a screen shot link to flickr:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Popularity Contest Plugin (beta 3)Thanks for the suggestions. In poking through the database, it appeared my older posts that had racked up a lot of popularity points were so far above my new ones, that a new post was only pegging 1-3%. I just emptied the wp-pupualarit database and let it start anew.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Popularity Contest Plugin (beta 3)Sorry, but it is not behaving at all like it did before I had put in wp-cache. In the past, items on my front page, would rise quickly in popularity, but now they are all in the 1-3% range. In fact, looking at my dashboard, I have one post ranked at 100% and everything else is below 7%.
My blog is: I totally deleted the database table, removed the plug-in, and started over, would that do anything?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Popularity Contest Plugin (beta 3)I seem to have toasted my Popularity plugin (1.0) by playing around with the wp-cache plugin. Your site mentions thia is a bad thing. I have deactivated/deleted wp-cache, re-installed the Popularity Contest 1.1, but it does not seem to be analyzing any posts since I installed wp-cache. How do I clean up?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [1.5] Killing Curly QuotesIt worked! Death to curly quotes (in feeds). The lines I edited in default-filters.php were:
#add_filter('the_title', 'wptexturize');
#add_filter('the_content', 'wptexturize');
#add_filter('the_excerpt', 'wptexturize');