Coding Panda
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OK, now we are sure it returns a padra_content. Next, we check if “news” is the right field.
<?php $params= array( 'orderby' => 't.post_title DESC', 'limit' => 25, ); $news_pod= pods( 'padra_content', $params ); $items= $news_pod->data(); echo '<pre>'; print_r( $news_pod->fields ); echo '</pre>'; foreach( $items as $item ){ $announcement= pods_field( 'padra_content', $item->ID, 'news' ); } ?>
Please let me have the output.
OK, let’s check what is in $items.
<?php $params= array( 'orderby' => 't.post_title DESC', 'limit' => 25, ); $news_pod= pods( 'padra_content', $params ); $items= $news_pod->data(); print_r( $items ); foreach( $items as $item ){ $announcement= pods_field( 'padra_content', $item->ID, 'news' ); } ?>
Can you print_r $announcement?
<?php $params= array( 'orderby' => 't.post_title DESC', 'limit' => 25, ); $news_pod= pods( 'padra_content', $params ); $items= $news_pod->data(); foreach( $items as $item ){ $announcement= pods_field( 'padra_content', $item->ID, 'news' ); print_r( $announcement ); echo $announcement; } ?>
I did test the code before I updated the thread. It works in my testing.
The error you have is not from the plugin. Can you check your code carefully? Any inappropriate mark like ` , ;
You don’t have a news pod, the pod name you use is padra_content. news is the field name you use for the repeater field linked to the “announcement” Advanced Content Type.
So you code should be:
` $params= array(
‘orderby’ => ‘t.post_title DESC’,
‘limit’ => 25,
$news_pod= pods( ‘padra_content’, $params );
$items= $news_pod->data();foreach( $items as $item ){
$announcements = pods_field( ‘padra_content’, $item->ID, ‘news’ );
foreach( $announcements as $announcement ){
echo $announcement[‘name’] . ‘<br/>’;
}`pods_field( ‘pods_name’, ‘post_id’, ‘field_name’ ) gives you everything in the section 1 in an array. the news_image holds the value of the image id, you can use wp_get_attachment_image() to get the image.
pods_field is from Pods Framework:
If it is in the single-padra_content.php, use pods_field( ‘news’ ) for the announcement.
Alternatively, use this pods_field( ‘pods_name’, ‘post_id’, ‘field_name’ ) anywhere.
pods_name is the name of the target pod, in this case, it is padra_content.
post_id is the post id of the post, in this case, it is an ID of a padra_content post, for instance: 123.
field_name is the name of the repeater field in the pod, , in this case, it is “news”.So it will be pods_field( ‘padra_content’, 123, ‘news’ );
I hope it makes sense and helps.
Here gives you some samples of how to fetch the data on the front end:
Do you mean you want to render out an announcement on the front end?
It is great to hear that the problem is solved. There used to be a reminder on the screen to ask users to save the parent item first, but it has disappeared since an update of WordPress. I will bring it back.
You may want to display the titles of Farsi and English lyrics. Please watch this video from 12:05 It is based on Pods 2.7 but I am sure you can figure it out.
To embed an iFrame, please use WYSIWYG.
It still works in my testing:
Can you try to add a new Padra content, make sure you save the parent item first at each step as it needs the ID to link up the parent and the child, so create a Padra content and save, then create an Album in it and save, open the newly added album then add a Lyric and save, open the newly added Lyric … and so on
I am glad to see someone use the plugin with so many layers. That is how I use it. ??
I imported your pods and they worked fine.
Did you save the parent item before saving the child ones? For example, save a Sub Lyric before saving its Farsi Lyric and English Lyric.
If you could provide some screenshots or videos, it will help me diagnose the problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Panda Pods Repeater Field] Sort functuonHi @ozosh182 WordPress has released 5.9.1. If you update WordPress, it should just work.
I will release my fix for the settings for 5.9 later.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Panda Pods Repeater Field] Sort functuon@ozosh182 Thanks for letting me know. I will sort it out ASAP.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Panda Pods Repeater Field] Remove Unwanted CSS / JS from Frontend@wparijat You are welcome.