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  • Thread Starter codimex


    OK, I’ve read LS’s Crawler documentation.

    I went ahead and configured these settings in case that was the next step, but the error persists. How can I properly proceed from the Crawler’s settings?

    Thread Starter codimex


    please provide the report number

    @qtwrk Done. TGYEBLRL

    You seem to have installed a security plugin that is preventing guest mode from working.

    @serpentdriver This is the initial list of suspects:

    -Age Gate
    -Members by Memberpress
    -Disable Cart Fragments
    -Siteground Security

    I’ve just disabled SG Security and Disable Cart Fragments, which are two disposable plugins (I’m using the earlier just to create a secure login page, but there are many out there that can do the job, too).

    However, the error persists, and switching to a different language (specially in the home page) displays the previous language texts.

    if possible, define an exception. Either to the plugin directory of the LiteSpeed plugin or for the guest.vary.php in the LiteSpeed plugin directory.

    How can I do that?

    But before I overwhelm you

    (Already overwhelmed in step 1. *Laughs nervously*)

    Thread Starter codimex


    Hi! I want to keep as much as private about my project, because I might not be running it in the future. However, in this link, you’ll find a text file with the url, as well as the cookie policy url, where you can find information about qtranslate-XT cookies (BTW, it seems qtranslate-XT does use a specific cookie). Sorry if it’s not the most elegant way. :”(

    I’ve enabled the object cache again, so that you can experience the issue for yourself. Also, any other recommendation to make my website faster (either in the plugin settings or the settings) is welcome! :”D

    Thank you for your disposal to help with this, and for your kind answer before.

    Thread Starter codimex


    Hi! Thank you for your prompt answer. I’m not sure if qtranslate-XT uses a specific cookie for every language. If so, do you mean that, by excluding that cookie, things would work out well?

    Also, you might find relevant that, if I disable object cache, things work acceptably well. Again, it’s not the perfect scenario, since object cache enabled is a key setting to increase speed. Is there any setting I can play around with?

    Sorry if I make too silly questions, I’m not an expert, and my site takes 12 secs to load, far beyond the promised “blazing fast” when I switched to LiteSpeed. What am I doing wrong? Thank you again.

    Thread Starter codimex


    As a final note, for those having this issue (LiteSpeed Cache + Complianz + embedding Google Maps via API), I solved it by leaving out these two lines…

    …in the Page Optimization > Localization > Localization Files textarea.

    Thread Starter codimex


    Hi! After debugging the issue privately with Jarno, turned out it was a caching problem, which is weird, since one of the early tests I performed was disabling Litespeed Cache plugin and the issue persisted.

    Nevertheless, the turning point was using the ?LSCWP_CTRL=before_optm parameter after the url, and the map loaded as expected. Therefore, we were able to point at the culprit (a caching problem which I’ll look deeper into it later).

    Since the issue is not Complianz-related, I’m marking this thread as resolved. Before you ask me to, I’m posting my well-deserved 5-star rating. ?? Thank you!!!

    Thread Starter codimex


    Hi, Jarno. Thank you for your willingness to help. I’ve sent you an email with the link. As I said, the map is embedded via API (not using any plugin): <script src="></script>

    The Google Maps API key credentials are correctly set to work in my site (since it worked before the issue came up).

    As a summary:

    -I’m using Litespeed -> I purged + disabled Litespeed plugin -> No success
    -I disabled ACF integration -> No success
    -I tried setting combinations of scripts with/out placeholders, dependency rules… -> No success
    -I added ?cmplz_safe_mode=1 in the URL -> No success.

    Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by codimex. Reason: Adding more info
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by codimex. Reason: Adding more info


    Hi, @moocker! Thank you soooo much for your help. I’ll play around with the codes you provided in your answers. I now have new paths to explore to get it done, and I couldn’t ask for more. Your answers are the furthest I’ve gone with this, and there’s very little information out there. I feel I’m almost there!!!

    And most of all, thank you again for representing what the WordPress community -in fact, any community- should be: people helping each other. ??????

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by codimex. Reason: Tagging the user


    Hi, @moocker. I’m really interested in getting this work for me. Unfortunately, events are not displayed with your code. I also followed @saschinger ‘s specifications (using a DATETIME field), but no success. I even corrected the quotation marks in your code for ', as follows:

    $post_date = substr(get_field('event_date'), 0, 10);
    $post_timestamp = strtotime(get_field

    At this point, I’m lost. Oh, BTW, I’m trying to get this done with a custom field in Woocommerce’s “Product” CPT. Can your method be achievable with this CPT? Any help will be really appreciated.

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by codimex. Reason: format broken
    Thread Starter codimex


    Hi! Thanks for your prompt answer. Indeed, it is Woocommerce Products CPT itself -my bad I forgot to clarify that-. For some reason, Woocommerce Products CPT doesn’t display your calendar metabox in the edit product page. I’ve tried disabling Pods, but still no success.

    How can I make “Pie Calendar” work with Woocommerce products? Is there a programmatic way to enable “custom-fields” and “editor”? (Some hook, action,…) It would be cool to round up with your calendar my event booking system built upon Woocommerce.

    Thank you and apologies for reaching out again! I feel I’m close to the solution; I just need a little push towards the right direction! :o)

    Thread Starter codimex


    You guys really rock! The snippet works as magic! I suspected product_cat should be involved somewhere around, but couldn’t find exactly where. Thank you so much, Kris!!! Marking as happily resolved!

    Thread Starter codimex


    Hi! I really doubt my form export will be useful for this case (you need the Woocommerce structure as well), but, anyway, here you go:

    {"type":"form","data":{"fields":[{"id":"postdata-1","element_id":"postdata-1","form_id":"wrapper-1511347711918-1669","parent_group":"","type":"postdata","cols":"12","data_status":"draft","post_title_label":"Post Title","post_content_label":"Post Content","post_excerpt_label":"Post Excerpt","post_image_label":"Featured Image","category_label":"Category","post_tag_label":"Tags","select_author":"1","category_multiple":"0","post_tag_multiple":"0","post_type":"product","post_title":"1","post_content":"1","category":"1","post_image":"1","options":[{"label":"","value":""}],"wrapper_id":"wrapper-1511347711918-1669","product_cat":"1"}],"settings":{"pagination-header":"nav","paginationData":{"pagination-header-design":"show","pagination-header":"nav"},"formName":"Product submission","version":"1.22.1","form-border-style":"none","form-padding":"","form-border":"","fields-style":"open","validation":"on_submit","akismet-protection":"1","form-style":"default","enable-ajax":"true","autoclose":"true","submission-indicator":"show","indicator-label":"Submitting...","form-type":"default","submission-behaviour":"behaviour-thankyou","thankyou-message":"Thank you. Your post has been submitted.","submitData":{"custom-submit-text":"Submit product","custom-invalid-form-message":"Error: Your form is not valid, please fix the errors!"},"validation-inline":"1","form-expire":"no_expire","form-padding-top":"0","form-padding-right":"0","form-padding-bottom":"0","form-padding-left":"0","form-border-width":"0","form-border-radius":"0","cform-label-font-family":"Roboto","cform-label-custom-family":"","cform-label-font-size":"12","cform-label-font-weight":"bold","cform-title-font-family":"Roboto","cform-title-custom-family":"","cform-title-font-size":"45","cform-title-font-weight":"normal","cform-title-text-align":"left","cform-subtitle-font-family":"Roboto","cform-subtitle-custom-font":"","cform-subtitle-font-size":"18","cform-subtitle-font-weight":"normal","cform-subtitle-text-align":"left","cform-input-font-family":"Roboto","cform-input-custom-font":"","cform-input-font-size":"16","cform-input-font-weight":"normal","cform-radio-font-family":"Roboto","cform-radio-custom-font":"","cform-radio-font-size":"14","cform-radio-font-weight":"normal","cform-select-font-family":"Roboto","cform-select-custom-family":"","cform-select-font-size":"16","cform-select-font-weight":"normal","cform-multiselect-font-family":"Roboto","cform-multiselect-custom-font":"","cform-multiselect-font-size":"16","cform-multiselect-font-weight":"normal","cform-dropdown-font-family":"Roboto","cform-dropdown-custom-font":"","cform-dropdown-font-size":"16","cform-dropdown-font-weight":"normal","cform-calendar-font-family":"Roboto","cform-calendar-custom-font":"","cform-calendar-font-size":"13","cform-calendar-font-weight":"normal","cform-button-font-family":"Roboto","cform-button-custom-font":"","cform-button-font-size":"14","cform-button-font-weight":"500","cform-timeline-font-family":"Roboto","cform-timeline-custom-font":"","cform-timeline-font-size":"12","cform-timeline-font-weight":"normal","cform-pagination-font-family":"","cform-pagination-custom-font":"","cform-pagination-font-size":"16","cform-pagination-font-weight":"normal","payment_require_ssl":"","submission-file":"delete","store_submissions":"1","form_name":"product-submission","form_status":"publish"},"client_id":null,"integration_conditions":[],"behaviors":[{"slug":"behavior-1234-4567","label":"","autoclose-time":"5","autoclose":"true","newtab":"sametab","thankyou-message":"Thank you. Your post has been submitted.","email-thankyou-message":"","manual-thankyou-message":"","submission-behaviour":"behaviour-thankyou","redirect-url":""}],"notifications":[]},"status":"publish","version":"1.22.1"}

    As I said, you should probably need the WooCommerce structure to check your code snippet to include certain product categories works. I don’t think this code…

    add_filter( 'forminator_field_postdata_category_list', function( $categories ){
    	$only_cat_ids = [
    		foreach( $categories as $id => $cat ){
    			if( ! in_array( $cat->term_id, $only_cat_ids ) ){
    				unset( $categories[ $id ] );
    	return $categories;
    } );

    …is valid for product categories, just for regular post categories. If that is the case, which one would be the right syntax? Thank you!

    Thread Starter codimex


    Works perfectly! Thank you! I’m seeing no error now!

    Thread Starter codimex


    Thank you for your answer. Just a few considerations:

    1. I’m not talking about the sunseted “qTranlsate-x”, but “qTranslate-XT”, an ongoing, up-to-date multilingual plugin project (reviving the old one) in the GitHub repository, maintained by a community of expert developers. Check it out here: A lot of major plugins in the WordPress repository already provide support for it. Please, at least, consider it, since translation is carried out natively.
    2. Oh, so do you mean recurring payments can’t be carried out by Woocommerce payments methods? I’ll take it into consideration, then

    Thank you again and congrats for this plugin! Best regards.

    Thread Starter codimex


    Yes, I know. I shouted out for a WPML-support back then, as well as in my plugin review. :o) I’m happily and seamlessly using it on a different project.

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