Forum Replies Created
Hi again, Aakash. Thanks for your quick response and your readiness to help. Let me elaborate. Before 5.X I used to have js codes after my regular HTML, inserted like this:
<script type="text/javascript"> My js script </script>
But now, they don’t work anymore, and the js script are rendered as a regular text. Am I still allowed to include js scripts under the < script > HTML tag? 5.0.2 version solves the shortcode issue (thanks again!!!) but not the js thing.Hi! Thank you for your fix! Yes! 5.0.2 fixes that, but javascript scripts still don’t work. Do you have plans for including js back to the plugin?
Sure! Just did! Thank you!!!
Hi! You’re right. Manual backups work perfectly via incognito mode, at least on Firefox (will try to do it later on Chrome). ?? It’s strange that I flushed cache yesterday and didn’t work. The problem seems fixed for me. Feel free to mark this as resolved. Thank you and keep up with the good job! ??
If you want to, I could share my login credentials privately with you, so that you can examine it personally and debug the error for future improvements. It’s the least I could do for your amazing plugin.
OMG! I disabled Ajax uploads and it’s working now!!! Sometimes “you can’t see the forest because of all the trees”. I was searching for complicated solutions and it was sooo simple to solve, in plain sight! Thank you for guiding me cleverly to the solution and congrats for this amazing, referential plugin.
Hi! Thank you for your prompt response! Sorry I didn’t see that pinned topic. Anyway, the option “Enable Ajax file uploads” is enabled and the problem persists. Any idea? :”( Running on Loco Translate v2.3.1
Hi! I just came across to this topic, as I was having the same issue. Sadly, Caldera Forms seems not to provide answers in this forum, and I found a link with the solution, just in case someone needs it eventually.
Long story short, even if your json import files are ok, it seems that WordPress is unable to recognize those type of files properly. Add this code to your functions.php file, or via plugin (Code Snippets would do the magic for you, and execute it on the admin area) and check if the problem is solved. Worked like a charm to me.
add_filter( 'wp_check_filetype_and_ext', 'wpse323750_secondary_mime', 99, 4 ); function wpse323750_secondary_mime( $check, $file, $filename, $mimes ) { if ( empty( $check['ext'] ) && empty( $check['type'] ) ) { // Adjust to your needs! 'text/html' or 'application/json' $secondary_mime = [ 'json' => 'text/html' ]; // Run another check, but only for our secondary mime and not on core mime types. remove_filter( 'wp_check_filetype_and_ext', 'wpse323750_secondary_mime', 99, 4 ); $check = wp_check_filetype_and_ext( $file, $filename, $secondary_mime ); add_filter( 'wp_check_filetype_and_ext', 'wpse323750_secondary_mime', 99, 4 ); } return $check; }
Thank you for testing that on your end! Looking forward this future update. Keep up with the good job!
Looks like you had the same problem I had. Check this out. I bet this will help you, too:
Thank you so much! Renaming “profile-magic-es_ES.po” and “” into “profilegrid-user-profiles-groups-and-communities-es_ES.po” and “” respectively (in the folder wp-content/languages/loco/plugins) just brought back the translated strings! ??
Once again, thank you for your quick and effective response.
WOW!!! Quite a detailed answer! THANK YOU for taking the time to give light to my question. I wish all support forums were like this.
1) Oh, although I knew about the OG metadata when viewing the source code, for some unknown reason I didn’t do it until you suggested me to (shame on me!) and you’re right: all the OG metadata seem correctly stored. ??
2) I already tried Facebook’s debugging tool even before posting my original message. I’ll do it again when the site goes live.
THANK YOU again for taking the time to answer me. All is clear now. Congratulations for your plugin and keep up with the good work!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sublanguage] Compatibility with Ultimate Member?Once again, thanks for your clear and straight answer. I’m not a big fan of UM for many reasons, and I suspected something was wrong about it because Sublanguage works perfectly with other member plugins. I’ll stick to Sublanguage then, and look for a different member plugin option. THANK YOU!!!
You’re right! I knew there was an option to display a message after registration, but somehow I didn’t keep in mind that redirect option. Sorry for this obvious question! Thank you and keep up with the good job!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sublanguage] Translation of AJAX stringsHi! Thank you again for your detailed answer. Even without being myself an expert coder, I understand your point, and I’ve read out there about the jQuery usage cessation tendency. I just wondered if there was a method to translate ajax/javascript strings, generated from different plugins, I suspect the process would involve altering too much too many things and therefore sacrificing performance.
Thanks again for your readiness to help, as always. I’ll try to narrow down the problem to translate those strings which can’t be found on the Translate Options section. I’m marking this topic as resolved.