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  • Hi,
    did you delete also what you have inside the mu-plugins folder?
    Because the error you reported belongs to a plugin, gd-system-plugin, which is not in the WordPress plugins repo.
    If you have ftp access to your site, you could check /wp-content/mu-plugins folder, you could make a backup first, and remove the plugin files.

    I think this link could help you,
    it is a graphic interactive diagram of the WordPress template hierarchy, which is responsible for selecting the correct template to display.
    Those are part of the Theme Handbook, which goes through all the process for creating a new theme.
    A quick reference to theme development can be found here.

    Also, but I don’t know in your case, you may speed up your theme development if you begin with a starter theme link Underscores, made by Automattic, which also has a useful Generator you can use to customize your starter theme.
    There are also some video courses around, but most useful are code comments in the theme templates itself.

    This way you start with all the right tools you need to make a clean and well-coded theme with attention on security, accessibility, etc..

    I hope those link can help you as they did for me many times, and feel free to ask anything more specific if you have any doubt.

    yes it says you have this error in in /wp-content/themes/littleida/single.php on line 45 which means that WordPress is searching for a function and it does not find it.
    Looks like it is related to ACF plugin and also that you are using a custom theme, not in WordPress repo, so maybe the best thing is to call the developer for this theme and ask him, as free support from these forums are basically not for themes obtained outside the repository

    I used this with plain Underscores, and did this:
    – create a template “content-quote” in template-parts folder (basically changed content/title order to make title display after content)
    – add above snippet to functions to make sure we have <blockquote> wrapped around post content for post-format quote
    – add some specific-css, like this

    /* Style blockquotes within the quote post. */
    .format-quote blockquote,
    .format-quote cite {
    	font-size: 18px;
    	font-size: 1.125rem;
    	font-style: italic;
    	margin: 0 0;
    	padding: 0 40px;
    	color: #a0a0ae;
    	font-weight: bold;
    .format-quote blockquote:before,
    .format-quote cite:before {
    	content: '022';
    	font-size: 32px;
    	font-size: 2rem;
    	color: #a0a0ae;
    	float: left;
    	margin-right: 6px;
    	font-variant: super;

    and I get the expected result when viewing index.php

    I had the exact same needs with the exact same theme, and found this simple and clean snippet here, you only need to wrap it in is_home conditional to have it working only in homepage.

    Hope it helps.

    Thanks to Justin Tadlock for this little pearl!

    Probably the best way is to use a new WP_Query, with the parameters you need as arguments. Something like

    $args = array(
    	'post_type' => 'post',
    	'author_name' => 'my-requested-user',
    	'category_name' => 'my-requested-category'
    $query = new WP_Query( $args );

    and then loop these posts to display them.
    See Codex documentation for a complete list of parameters you can pass to WP_Query, as well as some examples.

    Hope this may help.

    looks like ultimate-member plugin is causing the problem.
    Can you login to your dashboard normally? If so, try to deactivate this plugin first and see if it solves.

    If you can’t login normally, you may need to access your server directly with ftp, and try to delete this plugin folder.

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