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  • Thread Starter codi727


    It does now because I rebuilt it, as usual, no thanks to update 5.4.1!!!!

    Thread Starter codi727


    I did as you said and I am still getting the same thing.

    I don’t doubt that this post will be deleted after I say what has been happening to my websites since the 5.4.1 update has came out. I have had to redo 9 websites, delete a couple of plugins that I really liked that are now defunct because of the update and now this.

    This is my companies website that brings in customers to my business and now it’s crap.
    I have doubt that I will have to completely rebuild this website from scratch, but I am beginning to think I would be better off to just hard code it and be done with WordPress.

    My websites have been hacked numerous time due to weak spots in WordPress and also in poorly chosen plugins. I’t really getting tiresome.

    Thread Starter codi727


    As for the last problem caused by the 5.4 update, I solved it by going back to the previous version, which brings me to the question, why is WordPress not backwards compatible so non-programmers such as myself do not have to contend with these problems, which cost us money in order to purchase a newer theme and such. Just a thought.

    OH, also, as to your first post telling me I had been HACKED and sending me off into a frenzy of trying to figure out what was screwed up and by who knows who, you were wrong.

    Again it was the 5.4 update which didn’t agree with a particular plugin which I love and have been using for years. Once, after hours of digging, I deactivated it and Wa-La, problem went away. Come to think of it, maybe your were right, I was hacked after all, by the 5.4 update!

    Thread Starter codi727


    OK, I hate to burst your bubble, but I just updated to wordpress 5.4 and I suddenly get this at the top of my admin panel:-

    Warning: Use of undefined constant REQUEST_URI – assumed ‘REQUEST_URI’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/lgeabtzd/public_html/ on line 73

    And this at the top of my website screen also:-

    Warning: Use of undefined constant REQUEST_URI – assumed ‘REQUEST_URI’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/lgeabtzd/public_html/ on line 73

    So, tell me it wasn’t your update that screwed my websites!!

    Thread Starter codi727


    Is there no one out there that has an idea after the fact that might help me now rather than in the future?

    Thread Starter codi727


    They do but they also scroll with the main page which I don’t want

    I am looking to do the same thing and it would be nice to know where the answer is located that he got

    @sweet10:- whatever you do, don’t post on this thread or you’ll piss off @juggledad

    @juggledad:- Please open a new thread for your issue. FYI I have about 10 sites using WP 4.3.1 with no problems.

    Why would I open a new thread? This thread was started by @davenotti who is having the same problem as me.

    It’s great that your sites are working, but if you can’t solve our problem, why are you posting?

    @juggledad:- I would suggest using FTP or your cpanel’s File Manager and look in the wp-content/plugins folder to see if there is a login plugin and I’d move it out of the plugins folder temporarily and try again.

    I did this as well because I am willing to try anything to correct the problem, but to no avail. It remains the same…can not log into the admin section of any of my over X# of WP websites and I’m not seeing any of the WP gurus coming to our rescue.

    Yes, I am having the same problem with all my WP sites…all but one of which I have not been into in months…but were automatically updated to the new version when it came out.

    I tried to figure out what the problem was, but couldn’t so I set up a new site, downloaded a fresh .zip of the new WP 4.3.1 software and uploaded it and set up the site.

    The site page comes up fine, but when I try to log into the wp-admin section, I get a blank page and this URL instead:-

    There is something wrong with the new version of WP and it needs to be corrected ASAP….!

    I can’t tell you how unhappy I am with this bug..!

    Thread Starter codi727


    NO NO … thank you for taking the time to help out this ‘old idiot’

    Thread Starter codi727


    I added one for the comments and commentsdata That is what I found in one of my other WP databases.

    Thread Starter codi727


    Here is the error message from the error log:-

    [06-Feb-2015 15:40:41 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘woaatorg_DIY_Blog.BLOGcomments’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT * FROM BLOGcomments WHERE ( comment_approved = ‘1’ ) AND comment_post_ID = 756 ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), do_feed, do_action(‘do_feed_rss2’), call_user_func_array, do_feed_rss2, load_template, require_once(‘wp-includes/feed-rss2.php’), get_comments_number, apply_filters(‘get_comments_number’), call_user_func_array, et_comment_count, get_comments, WP_Comment_Query->query

    So I created the BLOGcomments tables and now the comments section is working …DUH! on me

    Thread Starter codi727


    It won’t allow comments on any of my posts

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