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Sorry for the late reply, your code will print the following result
[0] => author [1] => bereiche [2] => bilderalben [3] => bilder_tags [4] => category [5] => link_category [6] => nav_menu [7] => ngg_tag [8] => post_format [9] => post_tag [10] => videoalben [11] => videostichwort
There are indeed some older custom taxonomies, but they have different names from the CPT-onomies, that don’t show up in this list.
Thanks for that code, I renamed my cpt-onomies. However, it’s still not working for me. But there aren’t any old taxonomies anymore. The WordPress function get_taxonomies prints:
- category
- post_tag
- nav_menu
- link_categor
- post_format
- author
- channel
- series
With the last two being the renamed cpt-onomies.
For a comparison, here’s the output of your first code, when I have 1.3.3 installed:
<pre>SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS lunadb8_posts.ID FROM lunadb8_posts INNER JOIN lunadb8_term_relationships ON (lunadb8_posts.ID = lunadb8_term_relationships.object_id) WHERE 1=1 AND ( lunadb8_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (212,1142,1407,1413,1446,1471,1588,1513,1589,1590,1599,1602,2113,2119,2140) ) AND lunadb8_posts.post_type = 'post' AND (lunadb8_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR lunadb8_posts.post_status = 'private') GROUP BY lunadb8_posts.ID ORDER BY lunadb8_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 12</pre>
The difference is that the dev version has the following line inside the output:
AND ( cpt_onomy_tt1.term_taxonomy_id IN (1513)
“sendung” and “sender”
I think my custom taxonomies got screwed up some time ago. When I print all my custom taxonomies, WordPress still lists the old ones. But they aren’t really there anymore. They are not listed inside my functions.php and they don’t have any posts attached to them. I guess it must be from a time when I didn’t really know much about php and used a plugin for that.
Is there a simple way to delete those? Otherwise I’ll try to rename my CPT-onomies and see if that works (unless there could be problems with your plugin)
I used to have custom taxonomies with the same name, but I don’t have them anymore. I checked the term_taxonomy database and I couldn’t find any of them anymore.
I don’t know if that information will help, but those term_taxonmy_ids listet are all IDs from regular categories that are attached to the main term_taxonomy_id 1513.
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS xx_posts.ID FROM xx_posts INNER JOIN xx_term_relationships ON (xx_posts.ID = xx_term_relationships.object_id) INNER JOIN xx_term_relationships AS cpt_onomy_tt1 ON (xx_posts.ID = cpt_onomy_tt1.object_id) WHERE 1=1 AND ( xx_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (212,1142,1407,1413,1446,1471,1588,1513,1589,1590,1599,1602,2113,2119,2140) ) AND xx_posts.post_type = 'post' AND (xx_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR xx_posts.post_status = 'private') AND ( cpt_onomy_tt1.term_taxonomy_id IN (1513) ) GROUP BY xx_posts.ID ORDER BY xx_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 12
It’s just the regular WordPress loop inside the category.php. No modifications, just going through the results with while have_posts()
I tested it, but unfortunately it’s still not working. The settings page just says a green “yes” for all three CPT-onomies that I use.
This is a category called “TV-News”, the grey area shows the subcategories. With version 1.3.3 all posts from all subcategories were shown as well (e.g. the last posts)
Using the version 1.3.4 or the dev version it looks like this: only shows the categories that were directly assigned to “TV-News”
I installed the development version, but unfortunately it doesn’t solve the problem with subcategories.
I have the same problem and I don’t think that it’s related to permalinks.
Categories work in general, however archive pages don’t show posts from subcategories. And I guess that SN0WKRASH got the “not found”-message on categories, where only subcategories have posts.
However, even if the main category has posts: it only shows the posts from the main category, not subcategories.