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  • Thread Starter codestripper


    It’s unfortunately what “they” (site owners) want – a scrolling pdf that is also accessible on i-devices. Not my choice. I will let them know there is not much that can be done. Thanks.

    Thread Starter codestripper


    Agreed, Thank you very much, Peter Butler! The plugin works great once again.

    Through a lot of digging, I found these tutorials specific to installing WP on AWS. The first is very command-line oriented, the second shows how to do it with the Bitnami WordPress stack.

    Hope this helps!

    I can’t thank you and apatheticresistance enough for this code. I’ve been struggling with what seems like a simple query or writing a custom function that gets and outputs the ‘nicename’ for a taxonomy slug on category or archive templates. A lot of others have had problems with this too so I added more tags to this thread.


    Here is a way to output a taxonomy. It doesn’t use the Simple Taxonomies plugin but it gets the job done:

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: jquery slider question

    Ah. Then delete the // Use jquery..... line but leave everything else and reupload.

    You could upload the slider specific .js file in your wordpress core’s js folder – wp-includes/js/ But preferably you should make your own js directory and put it up in the same folder as your theme.

    Then add a line in your header (usually where other scripts and css are listed) calling the script.

    It should look something like this:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/js/whatever-your-script-name-is.js" ></script>

    Do a search here or Google for syntax, there are a lot of examples. Good luck.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: jquery slider question

    Two things that could cause this:

    Do you have the styles for the featured content slider in your theme’s main stylesheet? As much as I like to consolidate files, I have found that some jquery based image display scripts break unless you keep their stylesheets separate.

    What more likely is the issue: script conflicts. If you are running several scripts that call JQuery, or scripts that use other libraries like Mootools or prototype.

    You will need to put the featured content script code into noConflict mode by giving it a designation other than $.

    Put these lines above the start of the content slider code in your header:

    // Use jQuery via $j(...)
    var $j = jQuery.noConflict();

    The first line is just a comment so you can keep tabs (excuse the pun) on what you are using for calling jquery.

    Then change $ to $j (or whatever extra letter you want, just something to make it unique.

    So, your featured content header code will look something like this:

    // Use jQuery via $j(...)
    var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
    		$j("#featured > ul").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}}).tabs("rotate", 5000, true);

    Hope this helps!

    Another plugin is RealShout for WordPress – It uses GoogleBase for listing and search functionality and has custom widgets. It’s a great alternative for realtors who don’t want to deal with the expense of MLS. It should work fine with Agentpress or any other theme. I’m not affiliated with this company at all, btw – this plugin just saved a realtor client of mine a whole lot of time!

    In your magazine-basic theme folder, you’ll see a layout folder. Inside that folder, you’ll see the different theme options, ie. option1.php, option2.php, etc…. Make a backup copy of the option file you are using first, then open your option file using a text editor such as Notepad or whatever you use to edit code files. You’ll see some code that looks like this (in this case I am using code from option1.php):

    <div class="storycontent">
    		<?php if(get_option('uwc_excerpt_content') == '2') {
    				theme_content(__('Read more &raquo;', "magazine-basic"));
    			} else {

    Delete both resize(200,200); lines.

    Different options have different resize numbers but you get the point.

    Also, go to the archive.php file in your theme folder. Back it up, open it, and find this line:

    <?php resize(80,80); ?> It should be at about line 32. Delete this line.

    What this does:

    It deletes calls to the thumbnail resize function. Your post images will still be in your posts.

    Then, go to your theme’s functions.php file. Go to about line 1028, or look for the following code:

    // resize function
    function resize($w,$h,$q=80,$class='alignleft',$showlink=true) {
    	global $more;
    	$more = 1;
    	$content = get_the_content();
    	$title = get_the_title();
    	$theme = get_bloginfo('template_url');
    	if($showlink) {
    		$link = "<a href='".get_permalink()."' title='$title'>";
    		$linkend = "</a>";
    	$pattern = '/<img[^>]+src[\\s=\'"]';
    	$pattern .= '+([^"\'>\\s]+)/is';
    	if(preg_match($pattern,$content,$match)) {
    		if(get_option('uwc_image_resizer') == "on") {
    		echo "$link<img src=\"$theme/thumb.php?src=$match[1]&h=$h&w=$w&zc=1&q=$q\" class=\"$class\" alt=\"$title\" width=\"$w\" height=\"$h\" />$linkend"."\n\n";
    		} else {
    		echo "$link<img src=\"$match[1]\" class=\"$class\" alt=\"$title\" width=\"$w\" />$linkend"."\n\n";
    	$more = 0;

    This is the resize function. It ‘grabs’ an image from your post and resizes it. Delete this entire chunk of code. If you don’t feel comfortable about that, you can comment it out by putting // at the beginning of each line. Hope this helps!

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