Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Knowledge Base documentation & wiki plugin - BasePress Docs] Simply The BestHi @jmbronson!
Thanks to your request the next coming release of BasePress will include an improved breadcrumbs with the option to add the home and/or parent page to the breadcrumbs.
Thanks for the suggestion!Hi @jmbronson,
at the moment it is not possible to customise the breadcrumbs but I’ll add this to the list of improvements!
That said if you could open a support ticket from within the plugin I’ll send you a custom breadcrumb function to add the home and parent page.Thanks
Hi Marcos,
If you could tell me why you need to remove the get_footer call maybe we can see if what you want to achieve is possible.
Removing the get_footer call means that the footer template from your theme is not called. That could easily break a site.Thanks
Hi Marco,
since version 2.4.1 there is an option under Settings>Aspect called “Skip loading of header and footer”. This would skip both though.
If you only want to skip the footer you could create an empty file called footer-basepress.php and place it in your theme’s folder.That should give you the same effect of removing the call and it should be the quickest solution.
Alternatively you can customise BasePress theme as explained here:
and remove the call from the templates.I hope this helps!
Hi @thillcafex,
I am happy you have found a way around this!
That said, there is no need to change the plugin’s code to do that.
You can easily add category support to the knowledge base adding this code to your theme’s functions.php:function add_categories_to_knowledgebase(){ register_taxonomy_for_object_type( 'category', 'knowledgebase' ); } add_action( 'init', 'add_categories_to_knowledgebase' );
You can find more info here.
categories(a taxonomy) are by WordPress default limited to Posts(a post type) only.
BasePress uses a custom taxonomy called “knowledgebase_cat” and a custom post type called “knowledgebase”.
If the subscription plugin can work with custom post types and taxonomies then they should be able to work with BasePress.
If the subscription plugin needs you to access the default WordPress taxonomy screen you can do that by visiting the Sections edit screen, click on the pencil icon to edit a section and at the bottom of the panel that opens click on “View more”.That being said, BasePress Premium as a content restriction feature which allows you to specify which user can view any article. This is done via user roles. at the time of writing the content restriction works on articles only it would be soon extended to manage whole sections and Knowledge Bases as well.
This does not include notifications though.I hope this helps!
Hi Tian,
out of the box BasePress uses icon fonts. It comes with a default font but you can use the included Icons Manager to use any icon font.
This means that apart from using any icon font you may find online you can create your own. There are some online apps to create your own fonts.
You can find instructions on how to use the Icons Manager here: said if you want to use svg or png you will have to add a custom field for the sections and articles to store the custom icon and you would need to customise the templates to use them. It is definitely possible but it requires some customisation from your part.
I hope this answers your question!
Hi @thetianbao,
thanks for sharing your opinion!
Really much appreciated!Hi @thetianbao,
the widgets don’t have translations in the language files as the titles are changeable directly from WordPress Widgets screen.
Hi @thetianbao,
Thanks for sharing the translation!
I appreciate the gesture and I am sure more people will appreciate it too!
I’ll add it to the next coming release.Thanks again!
Hi @fullworks,
the url encoded characters are ellipsis which appear if an article has no KB and section selected.
Once you have selected the Kb and section the correct URL to the article will be generated and the ellipsis will disappear.Thanks
Hi @vy-name,
The View Article link can be modified at will customising the template used to render the sections.
It is possible to remove it completely or make it point to the article directly if only one article is present in the section.
If you decide to use the plugin just open a support ticket from within the plugin and I’ll prepare the custom changes for you.For the content restriction at the moment with the Premium version it possible to limit access to articles only by user role. It is not possible to restrict a whole Knowledge base though.
This is something that may be added in the future but I can’t guaranty when and if it will be available at this time.If you have any other question just let me know!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Knowledge Base documentation & wiki plugin - BasePress Docs] Change colorForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Knowledge Base documentation & wiki plugin - BasePress Docs] Change colorHi,
You can change the two colours like this:
.bpress-main-header h1{
color: green;
}.bpress-search-submit input[type=”submit”],
.bpress-search-submit input[type=”submit”]:hover{
background-color: black;
}I hope this helps!