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  • Hi Taylor,

    I downloaded and installed the plugin from git this afternoon 16.04.27, and it wiped out the db info, SALTS etc from my wp-config file. It did add the line for define( ‘WP_CACHE’, true ); // Simple Cache, and left the line for the path to wp-settings.php … all else was gone.

    I had backed up my files beforehand, and simply added the missing info back in, but figured I would let you know.

    Site is hosted on godaddy on a shared linux hosting account. Yell if you need more info. and thanks

    From the codex, with a couple of edits so you only get one post, and I added add_action() to what you already had.

    If you want to make the page “look” like the post page, you’ll need to create a page template based on single.php, then set your homepage to use that template.

    As always, use a child theme…
    I’ve added the link to the codex page at the bottom of this post.


    function last_post_on_homepage( $query ) {
        if ( $query->is_home() && $query->is_main_query() ) {
            $query->set( 'posts_per_page', 1 );
    add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'last_post_on_homepage' );


    This should get you started, place the code inside the style.css in your child theme.

    Two options…

    Option 1: Set the header-image container to display none on the desktop.

    @media screen and (min-width: 61.5625em) {
    	.header-image {
        		display: none;

    Option 2: Set the image in the header-image container to display none on the desktop. This leaves the header-image container visible, and only hides the image.

    @media screen and (min-width: 61.5625em) {
    	.header-image img {
        		display: none;

    Answering the specific question about moving the 2016 menu below the header image…

    You can copy and paste the nav menu code block, to just after the header image code block. Basic instructions below.

    If your child theme does not contain a header.php file, then copy the header.php file from the original twentysixteen folder, and paste it into your child theme folder.

    Before you move any code, find these locations in the unmodified header.php file.

    Line 44 should be:
    <?php if ( has_nav_menu( 'primary' ) || has_nav_menu( 'social' ) ) : ?>

    Line 73 should be:
    <?php endif; ?>

    Line 95 should be:
    </header><!-- .site-header -->

    Now select all of the code in lines 44 through 73 and cut.

    Line 66 should now be the close of the header tag, Paste the code before:
    </header><!-- .site-header -->

    Disclaimers etc…
    Don’t forget to test the new format on different devices, just because we can move elements around the page doesn’t mean we can’t break stuff too.

    If the page layout goes south on you, deleting the header.php file from the child theme folder will return you to the the default header.

    If you’ve set a primary menu, you’ll also need the navigation and menu adjustments I’ve added below.

    @media screen and (min-width: 61.5625em) {
    	.site-header {
    		padding: .25em 4.5455%;
    	.site-branding {
    		top: 1.75em;
    		left: 4.75em;
    		z-index: 1;
    	.site-header-menu {
    		top: -2em;
    		left: 4.75em;
    		z-index: 1;
    	.main-navigation {
    		margin: 0 -0.875em;

    This should get you started…

    @media screen and (min-width: 61.5625em) {
    	.site-header {
    		padding: .25em 4.5455%;
    	.site-branding {
    		top: 1.75em;
    		left: 4.75em;

    The update from gridiculous. to gridiculous.1.0.8 included far more changes than those to class names, it also included changes to function names.

    I’ve more than a few sites running child themes based on Gridiculous. This update has put me in the uncomfortable position of having to admonish users with admin access not to help by updating the Gridiculous theme.

    For now I keep a backup of gridiculous. handy, so I can quickly back-date any site that gets updated…

    Should you find yourself dealing with this issue, you can pull an archived version of the theme from the svn repository.

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