Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Commercial versionHello @massimo1971
Thank you for choosing our plugin! We truly appreciate your support. If you install any of our plugin distributions and later decide to upgrade, you will only need to pay the price difference.
Please note we are not allowed to support any customers in these forums.
For pro or commercial product support please contact us directly on our site. This includes any pre-sales topics as well.
Commercial products are not supported in these forums. We will happily answer this and any other questions you can have on our site.
Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Compound interestHello @signaluz
Thank you very much for using our plugin.
Creating a form that generates charts, amortization tables or other complex financial operations requires the Developer plugin version to use the “Financial Operations” and “Charts Operations” modules. Please watch the following video. I selected some of the predefined forms, but you can create a form that emerges the operations:
You can check the plugin features by visiting the following comparison page:
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Calculated field text stringHello @ohtusabes
Thank you very much for using our plugin. To create dependencies related with multiple fields you can use a calculated field as an auxiliary. However, the implementation depends on your project.
For example, assuming have three fields, fieldname1, fieldname2, and fieldname3, and you want to activate the fieldname3 field only if the values of both fields fieldname1 and fieldname2 are “Si” and ignore it otherwise.
In this hypothetical case, you can insert a calculated field in the form (you can hide it by ticking a checkbox in its settings) and enter the equation:
if(AND(fieldname1=='Si', fieldname2=='Si')) {
} else {
})()Note that fieldname3 includes the |n modifier. It tells the plugin you are referring to the field’s name directly instead of its value.
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] PDF Print problemHello @massimo1971
Thank you very much.
You should not scale the form, only modify the CSS when the form is being printed. Please watch the following video:
To get the same result you need only to enter the style definition below in the “Customize Form Design” attribute in the “Form Settings > Advanced Settings” tab:
@media print{
#fbuilder .fields,
#fbuilder .fields .dfield{margin:0 !important; padding-top:0 !important; padding-bottom:0 !important;}
}Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] PDF Print problemHello @massimo1971
I’m sorry, but the forum policy does not allow sharing WordPress logins.
Could you insert the form in a public page of the website?
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Show only 1 image and it’s phraseHello @needfeed
If the code corresponds to the equation in a calculated field there is no reason to use:
jQuery('#fbuilder').on('click', function() {...});
Also, you should not use quotes in the piece of code:
The correct would be:
Finally, I don’t know your project, so, I’m not sure the reason why you need to hide 84 fields or use 84 fields:
for (var i = 7; i <= 84; i++) {
HIDEFIELD('fieldname' + i + '|n');
}But, I’m pretty sure there is another way to create the form that requires fewer fields.
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Show only 1 image and it’s phraseHello,
Where have you entered that code?
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] PDF Print problemHello @massimo1971
Please provide the link to the page containing the form to check the behavior described.
Best regards.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Great plugin and nice supportHello @metusalem
Thank you so much for the review.
Yes, you are right. The plugin may seem intimidating and complicated at first, but this is due to the freedom we give to form developers to create practically any functionality they desire.
Best regards.
Hello @jyotiskaborah
Thank you so much for using our plugin. You must assign a position sticky and a top to the field. Please watch the following video:
Best regards.
Hello @buptrick
Thank you very much for using our plugin.
Could you please provide the link to the page with the form to check its design in relation to the overall page design?
The plugin allows you to create a custom template for all your forms or directly customize the form design from its settings.
Please watch the following video:
And read the following blog post:
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Dynamically add fieldHello @jyotiskaborah
You can create them with dependencies. You can insert the fields in the form and activate or hide them at runtime based on a field’s value. Please watch the following video:
Another alternative would by display/activate the by pressing a button in the form:
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] PDF Print problemHello @massimo1971
The structure of the form print version depends on your form and web page structure.
Could you please provide the link to the page containing the form to check the issue in detail?
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Dynamic RedirectToURL with InputFieldHello @agermann
Edit the onclick event as follows:
redirectToURL(getField('fieldname2').val(true, true));
You cannot access the fields values directly by their names outside the equations contexts.
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] WordPress Multisite and CFFHello @eberkland
Both decisions are valid. The choice of website structure depends on your project’s requirements, rather than the CFF. In a WordPress multisite installation, WordPress creates database tables with different prefixes, and the CFF establishes its structure within each sub-website’s database. However, it only shares the file structure among the websites.
Best regards.