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  • Plugin Author CodeFlavors


    Hi Javi,

    Can you please give me an URL where I can see this? The theme you are using is a premium theme and I can’t test to check where the problem might be.

    As a note, if the plugin can’t replace the featured image, this is caused by the fact that your theme doesn’t use the default WP functions for displaying the featured image. Unfortunately, when this happens, there’s nothing that can be done about it; VideographyWP needs to hook to the image filter implemented into the WP function that displays the featured image so it can replace the image with the embed.

    Plugin Author CodeFlavors



    This issue is caused by a recent Vimeo platform update, they changed a couple?of things and by doing this they have broken functionality in third party scripts, like Vimeotheque.

    The issue in this case (it’s not the only functionality?that got broken) is that they changed the URL’s of the video thumbnails. When Vimeotheque imports a video it stores its details?(including information about thumbnails) on the post meta. If any of the videos imported with Vimeotheque is displayed into a playlist made with either the block editor or the shortcode, Vimeotheque will use the image from the post meta, which comes from Vimeo CDN, to save bandwidth.

    Unfortunately, since they modified the URL’s, the images for the videos imported before they implemented the change will have broken images, just like you noticed.

    We’re working on an add-on to re-import the video details, it will be available in a couple of days for both the free and premium plugin version.

    The other solution is to re-import your video posts. This means that you must delete the existing posts that have broken images and re-import them. Please use this solution just as a last resort; we’re working as fast as we can to finish the add-on in time.?

    Plugin Author CodeFlavors



    Please check the browser console for JavaScript errors, there might be a conflict with one of your existing plugins.

    Let me know what you find, thank you.

    Plugin Author CodeFlavors



    Pro support is offered via private ticket system which is available from your CodeFlavors account at this address:

    Since you’re addressing question referring to the PRO add-on I suggest you open support tickets at the address above. I will answer your questions here but please close this thread and ask your questions via the PRO support ticket system, simply because my answers won’t be relevant for users of basic version.

    1) I thought I could import a showcase directly to a page (I am using blocks right now but I could switch to classic). So far it seems only separate posts to a page or post.

    Vimeotheque doesn’t embed lists of videos from Vimeo into posts as other plugins do. Instead, it imports the videos as WordPress posts which can be used as single entities into your website; this allows for better SEO and, depending on your project, you can create lessons or private content for your membership website.

    It implements 3 blocks: a video position block, which is the actual video embed made into the post for each video post, a video embed block, which allows you to embed a certain video post previously created by Vimeotheque into any post or page from your website and third, a playlist block which allows you to embed lists of video posts already imported by Vimeotheque into any of your posts or pages.

    The blocks are described here”

    A video showing the playlist block in action can be viewed here:

    2) So I tried this way: Automatic and nothing happened, but now I am getting a message PLAYLIST US TRIP can be imported in 00:21. Nothing happened. I clicked UPDATE now but nothing happened. The message re@eated itself about Playlist can be updated in 00:21….
    I put that on pause and tried another way–>

    Some aspects that need explaining about the automatic imports:

    a. The imports are triggered by your website visitors; this means that you must either click the “Update” button under automatic import to trigger the imports OR someone must visit your website which in turn will trigger the import to run in background.

    b> If video from the list were already imported, the plugin will skip them, otherwise, they will be imported. Of great help to debug any issues with imports is the debug add-on:

    I suggest you install and activate it in order to understand why nothing happens when you run the importer.

    3) Import Videos by default order. (replace featured image–I don’t have any featured image. Then SELECT EACH ONE and they are added.

    PROBLEM ONE–> IT just adds a list of posts with one video each. I realize I can now create a showcase on a page but each time I import this way i just get a lot of posts and it is hard to see the new ones.

    Again, Vimeotheque doesn’t work like other plugins, it creates a WordPress post for each video. Its purpose is to help you create content on your website that you can use, for example, in membership plugins or lesson plugins.

    One way to categorize the videos is by using categories when doing the import and next, use those categories in playlists that you display on your website.

    `4) Anyway, I now go to pages and create a sample page Vimeotheque test

    Add video Playlist block and select videos. Ok–> Success.

    PROBLEM TWO–> Hmmm, even though I had lazy loading and colors checked, nothing shows up on this page.

    Lazy loading works only when embedding a single video. The playlist block needs the video player loaded so it can change the video when the navigation is clicked.

    PROBLEM THREE…The order was supposed to be default but somehow the very bottom video on Vimeo is the very top one here. The others are in the right order.

    Results are returned by the Vimeo API; I can’t say why this happens unless I can test and determine the issue. For example, another user had a problem with the video publishing date which was showing something in his Vimeo account and when queried using the API, Vimeo was returning a different date.

    PROBLEM FOUR I wonder if there are other formats like sliders, or is the only option a list? Hmmm I see this here now but I can’t find it. Maybe I have to install an add on?

    There are 3 formats for now: Default, Wall and Carousel. Please see this: and this:

    Now I want to see if there is a way to directly add a showcase.

    In your initial post you mentioned you’re coming from Vimeography. Vimeotheque does things differently, it doesn’t work like Vimeography.

    One thing you could try to quickly add a showcase is to use categories:

    1. In WordPress, create a new category under “Videos”;
    2. Import some videos and put them into the category you created at step 1 (you can assign the category when you make the import)
    3. Add the playlist block to a page or post;
    4. When choosing the video posts that should go into the playlist, instead of choosing them individually, choose to show from the category you created at step 1. To do this, when you open the modal window to choose the videos that should go into the playlist, go directly to tab “Selected” and from the categories list on the right choose the category that you want to display.
    5. Next, whenever you add new videos to the category, Vimeotheque will display them into the playlist block you set to show from that category.

    Plugin Author CodeFlavors


    I just realized your question was more complex. Please find the answers below:

    1. Videos imported as draft.

    The rules followed by the imported content from Vimeo can be found in plugin Settings page under tab “Import options”. In here, you can set up the post status for the imported video posts which is by default set to “Draft”. Here are more details: (you shold change options listed as 1 into the docs)

    2. I switch to PUBLISHED and click import again.

    I assume you switched the imported posts to “Published”. This makes the video posts public which means it is visible for your website visitors. If you imported again, nothing happened because Vimeotheque doesn’t create duplicate posts. This means that when you imported again, Vimeotheque simply skipped all posts that were already imported from your showcase.

    3. And then what? I don’t see a post where these are supposed to go.

    Vimeotheque (the base, free version) imports videos as custom post type “vimeo-video”. In your admin area, the video posts are listed under “Videos/All videos”, which is the menu for this custom post type.

    In your front-end, unlike regular post type “post” which is displayed into your Blog page or home page (depending on your setup), the custom post type must be added to menus in your website.

    To display links to these posts in your front-end, you must add the category taxonomies and/or links to videos into your website menus. See this for more details:

    Once you add them to menus you will have links to the video post type categories and videos. You can also customize your theme to display the videos in custom templates (requires some programming knowledge):

    While you can do a lot with the free version, the PRO add-on comes with the following extra functionality (more is included but not listed below):

    1. The ability to import videos as regular post type. This means that video posts will be displayed into your blog page without the need to add anything to custom menus or create custom templates for your theme;
    2. You will be able to import private items (videos, showcases, folders) from your Vimeo account;
    3. Compatibility with Elementor templates for easier customization of your front-end;
    4. Automatic imports and updaters for already imported posts;
    5. Access to the PRO add-ons.

    Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions.

    Plugin Author CodeFlavors



    Vimeotheque, without the PRO add-on, can query and import only public videos or showcases. This means that under the “Privacy” option (in your showcase edit screen on Vimeo) you must select “Anyone”.

    Next, you must get your correct user ID from Vimeo, more details about this can be found here:

    Third, you must get the showcase ID from Vimeo. More details can be found here:

    To resume, here are the steps you must take if you want to import a showcase from Vimeo using Vimeotheque without the PRO add-on:

    1. Make sure your showcase has privacy option set to “Anyone”;
    2. Retrieve your Vimeo username from Vimeo (
    3. Get the showcase ID (; please note that the user ID retrieved above must be the owner of the showcase on Vimeo;
    4. Go to Vimeotheque page “Import videos” and choose as Feed type option Showcase/Album and enter your Vimeo user ID and the showcase ID into the appropriate fields.

    This should be all, let me know if you have any other questions.

    Plugin Author CodeFlavors


    From the screenshot it seems that you use the PRO version; if that’s the case, please submit a private support ticket from your CodeFlavors account.

    Support tickets can be opened from this address:

    Plugin Author CodeFlavors



    Yes, the theme works with the plugin but since your image comes from the page editor, it’s not the actual featured image that Avada uses, but an image that your page editor is setting up “as” featured image.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Plugin Author CodeFlavors



    Thank you, we’re happy to find that you like the plugin.

    Regarding your issue, the plugin replaces the featured image only if that featured image is displayed using the default WP functionality, otherwise this won’t work.
    In your case, I’m assuming you used a page builder to create that display and the page builder isn’t using the default WP function to display the image.

    Let me know if you have other questions.

    Plugin Author CodeFlavors



    Can you please have a look in your server error log and see if there’s any error related to VideographyWP?

    Let me know, thank you.

    Plugin Author CodeFlavors



    I’m not sure what your request actually is. VideographyWP replaces the featured image with the video embed but only if the featured image is retrieved using WP’s default function. This is required because VideographyWP hooks to a filter to replace the image with an embed.

    I hope the above answers your question, if there’s anything else I can help you with just let me know.

    Plugin Author CodeFlavors



    Thank you for your review. Can you please elaborate a bit on the feature that you’re missing? I’m not sure I correctly understand what’s missing. Is this supposed to be an option in plugin Settings that allows a default for the video position option in single posts?

    Thank you, let me know.

    Plugin Author CodeFlavors



    Yes, but not with the free plugin version, you also need the PRO add-on for this.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by CodeFlavors.
    Plugin Author CodeFlavors



    Thank you for your suggestions! We heard you and implemented the functionality you requested into the latest plugin release for the PRO version (see this for more details:
    Please update and don’t forget to update your automatic imports to use the new features.

    On another note, the feature you requested is a PRO feature. The WordPress staff managing the plugins repository recommends that all PRO support requests should be directed to the support website instead of the WP repository. You can submit support requests for both PRO and free versions of Vimeotheque from your account on our website at this address:

    Again, thank you for your review, we really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy the update and, in case you need help with anything related to our plugin, please address all your requests using our priority support system, thank you.

    Plugin Author CodeFlavors



    Please note that is a user upload resource, not a channel.

    Here’s a screenshot that will show you the exact search:

    From the Vimeo docs: “Channels allow you to create, curate, and collate your own special thematic home for videos on Vimeo. Create a channel to give your viewers a slick destination to watch your videos, or set up a channel to showcase videos you particularly like from other Vimeo members. Other people can subscribe to your channel, and the videos you add will show up in their feed.

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