Kat Hagan
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Database metakey: _wpas_done_all, what is it?These keys are used by Jetpack’s Publicize module to track whether a post has been published to social networks, and if so, which ones. There shouldn’t be any negative side effects to removing them, except that you would then be able to re-publicize previously-published posts.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post By Email] Please wait 5 mins to check mail againHi there,
Can you try connecting to your mail server (using telnet) from whatever server your WP site is running on? Sometimes hosting providers block the port numbers that are used to check mail, which can result in this kind of error.
You can also enable WP_DEBUG and see if there are any error messages displayed.
Let me know if you still have problems!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post By Email] Basic Email FormatGreat! That was going to be my first suggestion. There are some issues with Outlook right now that will hopefully be fixed in the next update.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post By Email] Is this plugin being supported?Hi there,
It is actively supported, though only in my free time, so I can’t always answer requests right away. ?? It shouldn’t take too much technical expertise to set up — there’s a lot of information in the Readme, and I’m always open to hearing what could be added/improved about the documentation.
When you say “post with a special tag”, do you just mean adding a tag to the post? The plugin already supports that functionality — you just include a “shortcode” in your email. For example: [tag cool-stuff] will tag the post with the tag “cool-stuff”.
Does that answer your question?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post By Email] Create CronjobHi,
wp-mail.php is deprecated. To set up sync in a cronjob, you’ll want to create a new PHP file that triggers the ‘wp-mail.php’ action:
do_action( 'wp-mail.php' );
The file will also have to load WP, of course, otherwise you won’t have access to do_action(). So try something like this:
do_action( 'wp-mail.php' );Let me know if that works, I haven’t actually tried it myself. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post By Email] Email / Email account not accessible – Network errors etc…Really good write-up! Hope this helps someone else.
No worries on going with Postie — it’s a great plugin! We’re not really in competition, we tackle the same feature in very different ways. ??
I would LOVE pull requests if you’ve got time. It’s a huge help when others with tech knowledge can fix things, especially since the nature of this plugin makes it very hard to test on all possible configurations. So let me know if you decide you would like to do some hacking and I’d be happy to help with any questions. The GitHub repo is here: https://github.com/codebykat/wp-post-by-email
That being said, I’ve done some work trying to track down the image embed thing, and I think it’s a bug with the underlying library (Horde), and the fix is to switch to using PHP’s included IMAP functions, when they’re available. So it’s a fairly major bug. The HTML formatting might be something more straightforward.
Thanks for the kind words, and I apologize if I sort of snapped at you. I do try to at least reply to the requests here, but it can be hard to stay on top of and that gets frustrating. ??
(Also, this plugin is not my full-time job, nor even my job at all. I am the only person working on it and maintain it entirely in my free time. So please have patience when making support requests. Cheers.)
Can you provide me with more information? It works for me in my testing. What email client are you using? What version of WP and PHP?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post By Email] Change post font colorI will certainly try to fix it. ?? I don’t use Outlook myself so it’s a bit hit-or-miss.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post By Email] Cannot Connect to . an Error has occuredThis is a great walkthrough — thanks for writing it up! Bookmarking it to link to if others have issues.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post By Email] Change post font colorThanks for the extra info! That’s a big help — I’m trying to improve the way HTML tags are filtered. Aside from using plain text mode, you might have some luck trying from a different mail client, as well — Outlook can insert some weird stuff sometimes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post By Email] Change post font colorThat’s weird. Can you post an example of the formatting you had to edit out? What mail client are you using?
You could also try sending your emails as plain text — that should prevent them from arriving with any formatting at all.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post By Email] Text comes in full of junkWhat is a “junk tag”? If you mean HTML, it’s probably being sent by your email client — the plugin attempts to retain all the formatting from the original email, but doesn’t always succeed. You could try using a different client, or sending your email as plain text.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post By Email] Change post font colorHi, have you tried setting the font colors in your email? It should use those same settings for the post.