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Title should be “Capability Manager plugin broken”. Do you know that plugin hasn’t been updated in over 2 years? Search for “Capability Manager Enhanced” instead though you will probably receive “generated xxx of unexpected output” during activation which is because of errors generated during activation which you may want to notify them of.
I activated the Capability Manager on several WordPress versions with and without WPBB and it still generated the same warnings. Note the path in bold in the warning lines tells you where the warning originated.
Also note that WPBB taps into the list of wp-created roles whether default or custom through other plugins. It only adds one role itself and this is the WP-way of doing it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Bulletin Board] [Plugin: WP Bulletin Board] Permission Denied?It’s updated so it will fix the problem for some people but for others it doesn’t seem to be working. Please read my last post here: about what I think the problem is and if anyone could post their findings that’d be great.
/home/content/01/9340101/html/wp-content/themes/eclipse/footer.php on line 27
This tells you in what file the error is occurring and at what line. As you see it is caused by the eclipse theme and not WPBB.
However feel free to post the contents of the file at and then post the link to it here or email me the file at [email protected] and I’ll take a look at the problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Bulletin Board] [Plugin: WP Bulletin Board] [1.0.3] BUG: ToolsPlugin has been updated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Bulletin Board] [Plugin: WP Bulletin Board] v1.0.3Yeah sorry about that I know that this is happening for two reasons:
1. [FIXED] Custom permissions not registered with WP making the check believe the guest was a user and thus deny them access to the forum
2. I believe that the wp_capabilities field isn’t being added / updated correctly by WordPress. If you have access to phpMyAdmin or a similar tool be able to see if “wp_capabilities” exists for the user you’re logged in as. Should be in the table “wp_usermeta” and be something like this:
umeta_id user_id meta_key meta_value 10 1 wp_capabilities a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";}
Something like that. If it doesn’t exist can you find this anywhere?:
Thanks for your help and patience.
Sorry about that. It didn’t upload all the files correctly. Please download the plugin again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Bulletin Board] [Plugin: WP Bulletin Board] [1.0.3] BUG: ToolsNo sorry it’s because subversion didn’t upload all the files correctly. Will try and fix this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Bulletin Board] [Plugin: WP Bulletin Board] Permission Denied?– WPBB doesn’t and never has offered the ability to upload avatars I’m afraid. It just relies on WordPress to display the avatar for that user if one exists. I had used a plugin for the avatars but now after viewing it on the WordPress plugin directory I can see it hasn’t been updated in over a year so I won’t include a link for it. Still there are many avatar plugins out there. May add this in a future version however!
– There will be some kind of “theme editor” for WPBB available in the dashboard in the future.
– The “moderator links” e.g. edit, lock, delete etc should only now be displayed if you have permissions to do the action e.g. “delete” appears if you have delete permissions within that forum/subforum/topic/post etc!
– Will be adding extra permissions for roles like you suggested, e.g. “can this user edit their own posts”? but still thinking about the best way to approach this without making all the settings overwhelming.
– New permissions like move will be added. I do like your idea of allowing users to create their own forums, categories etc without giving them access to the administration dashboard. May add this as an individual plugin as not everyone may want this but who knows.
Thanks for your suggestions, keep ’em coming! ??
Just to let you know that Guest Permissions are now implemented in v1.0.3. It’s still in its early days since I will probably add further settings for other roles such as “can this role edit its own topics regardless of edit permission?” in the future so it may be changed but you won’t have to ever worry about manually editing anything.
Anyway please let me know if you encounter any problems using it, suggestions, questions, etc.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Bulletin Board] [Plugin: WP Bulletin Board] Permission Denied?Hey heidy7,
Will be releasing an update tomorrow that fixes this issue, I already know what is causing it and managed to fix it for somebody already just need to make sure it is the same thing on somebody else’s site before releasing it and of course making sure everything else that has been fixed / added works as it should.
Thanks for your patience.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Bulletin Board] [Plugin: WP Bulletin Board] Theme CompatibilityNot that I know of I’m afraid. I have heard of similar things being done though, would no doubt require php, javascript and css but this is something that’s beyond the scope of this support forum. I’m sure you could find out more on the web from other more knowledgable programmers/designers.
Should be fixed now. Have sent you an email not long ago too.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Bulletin Board] [Plugin: WP Bulletin Board] Permission Denied?Thanks for that I did login and indeed have trouble viewing a topic when I should have access to it, very odd. Still looking into this issue and awaiting replies from other people about this as one persons website I looked at worked fine for me (one other question was why they couldn’t view locked topics when they didn’t have locked permission) so excluding multisite it may be down to user misunderstanding of how it works.
Will be releasing an update tomorrow and will then make it my priority to make it compatible with multisite.
Thanks for your patience.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Bulletin Board] [Plugin: WP Bulletin Board] Theme CompatibilityAh, sorry about that.
In that case you’ll just have to add this to themes/dirty-blue/wpbb-template.php
before get_footer() add:
Correct – the Allow Guests to View Forum setting currently only allows guests to view the forum index and nothing else. There will be more flexibility with this in the next update (usually every 7 days which happens to be tommorow) so will mark this as resolved but feel free to post here as I recieve post notifications via email.