Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeArt - Google MP3 Player] working on devices yesterday, broken todayHi there,
The plugin has been updated and now fully supports HTML5.
Check out the new version and let us know if you have issues.
We have updated the plugin.
You can move from the flash version to the new HTML 5 version.
Hi crsneilhedley,
Can you test 2-3 more other mp3 files and let me know if you experience the same problems with those aswell.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeArt - Google MP3 Player] ReplayHi nasserali,
With the current version of the player it is not possible.
Stay tuned for the next release, we might be able to add that feature.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeArt - Google MP3 Player] Broken – Cross site AJAXHi bflueras,
I just checked your website on chrome on multiple computers and it works just fine.
There must be something else that is causing the problem, try updating your flash to the latest version.
Here is screenshot with the player in chrome.
Saw an error, copy this code instead
<?php echo do_shortcode(''); ?>
The full one should be something like
<?php echo do_shortcode('[ca_audio url="URL of the audio file" width="500" height="27" css_class="codeart-google-mp3-player"]'); ?>
Hi Aaron,
We will be making the backend area prettier in the new version which should come out sometime next week. You will be able to copy the code from there.
In the meantime, this should do the trick.
Generate the full shortcode in any post like you would normally add it to a page, copy it and place it between the ” in the code below. Then copy everything in your header.php and it should work.
<?php echo do_shortcode('') ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeArt - Google MP3 Player] Two players on one pageHi dddwordpress,
We will be adding that to the next version of the plugin which should be out soon.
codeartForum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeArt - Google MP3 Player] Initial Volume ControlHi jeeoc,
Not possible with the current flash player.
We will be adding HTML5 support soon so you will be able to do that soon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeArt - Google MP3 Player] sizing issueHi bantock,
At the moment you cant do that.
This if flash player so we cant control the elements, they are as they are.Once we make this HTML5 compatible you should be able to adjust things.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeArt - Google MP3 Player] Tracking plays as "Event" in Google AnalyticsHi impliedmusic,
Its not possible in this version of the plugin.
We are going to release html5 based version soon and we may include option for custom additions to the code, but i dont guarantee that.Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeArt - Google MP3 Player] Broken – Cross site AJAXHi bflueras,
That’s actually a warning, not an error and that definitely wont stop the player from loading.
In fact i can see you have some other errors displayed on that page but cant find the mp3 player anywhere.
Can you put it back on the page and publish the page so i can investigate this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeArt - Google MP3 Player] Amazon S3 hosted linksHi Josh,
Its really hard to say like this whats wrong, i don’t know how you have made the files so i have no idea really, whatever i say would be just blind guessing.
I have used Audacity (its free software) in the past for some audio conversion and stuff like that.
Thats as far as i can go with any support as this now goes out of the plugin area. If you need professional help with this or anything else feel free to contact me on:
contact [at] codeart [dot] mkI guess this can be marked as resolved now.
codeartForum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeArt - Google MP3 Player] Amazon S3 hosted linksHi Josh,
I just downloaded your mp3 file and uploaded it on my s3 account.
Also tried uploading it to the server directly.
It doesn’t play from both locations so the conclusion is that the problem is in the mp3 files you use and not in the plugin.Here with explanation which is which. can try linking any mp3 file and you will see it works.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeArt - Google MP3 Player] SAME MP3 PLAYING TWICE SIMULTANEOUSLYThe password doesnt work