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The text block or the paragraph block. The one with the backwards P like this very block.
I also recently found this message in my site health
UTF8MB4 is the character set WordPress prefers for database storage because it safely supports the widest set of characters and encodings, including Emoji, enabling better support for non-English languages.
Your MariaDB version supports utf8mb4.
WordPress’ utf8mb4 support requires MySQL client library (libmysql) version 5.5.3 or newer. Please contact your server administrator.
Same problem here. I noticed it just before the holidays when I tried to do a new post. Heading block works ok only paragraph block is not working. Tried with mixed media block and had the same problem. I use a different theme than the poster above so maybe not theme related. Could this be a font issue or just a bug in an update?
Update. I rebooted my computer. Started afresh. After updating the links on about ten images, the Copy URL to Clipboard stopped working. It would only paste in the link box the last good copy. I tried 5 times more but it continued to paste the url from a few images back before it failed. I have to highlite the url for subsequent images and do a standard windows copy and paste.