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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Fastest Cache] Browser Caching breaks Child Theme Headers.I think I found the issue:
$response = wp_remote_get($url, array('user-agent' => $user_agent, 'timeout' => 10, 'sslverify' => false, 'headers' => array("cache-control" => "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0")));
It looks like you are explicitly defining the headers to enable the cache control in a way that is replacing the page’s HTTP headers instead of appending to them. This can create security issues that most WP developers would miss because it can strip out a wide range of headers that other plugins try to add designed to prevent various kinds of XSS and MiM attacks which are often required to meet certain cyber security compliance standards like HIPPA and PCI.
To fix this, I would suggest using wp_get_http_headers() to first collect HTTP headers from the original page load, then pass them in addition to headers you need to include in your wp_remote_get call.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Fastest Cache] Browser Caching breaks Child Theme Headers.In that case, what is the proper way to add headers that does not require direct modification of the theme?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Compatablity issue with AvadaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7] Convergent operations not workingI am in the process of redoing it using injected JavaScript so the example no longer applies. But the “Member Type” should display either “Federal Tax Classification” and “Federal Tax ID” or “Social Security #” and “Date of Birth” based on if you select “Individual” or “Business Entity”. Then filling out whichever group it unhides should then reveal the “Contact Info” group. Something about this plugin always evaluates as true when you try to do this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Accept PayPal Payments using Contact Form 7] indexOf errorThis was user error, I was trying to put values directly into the button instead of tag names for other inputs.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7 - PayPal & Stripe Add-on] Plugin not redirecting to PayPalOoops, user error. I was trying to put data directly in as parameters instead of setting other inputs as the parameters. Might be nice if that were a feature added in the future though so you don’t always have to make hidden inputs to store values as constants.
The free version is 100% free. It’s not a temporary demo or something that lacks enough features in the free version to be useful. Speaking as an end user, 95% of websites only need the free version, and it will do everything you ever need it to do.
If the free plugin alone does not speed your site up enough, in most cases, it is not a lack of compression, but it means to you need a caching plugin to also optimize your wordpress script file processing. These guys make one called Hummingbird, but I would suggest you do your research on your theme of choice since different themes do better with different caching engines.
The only cases where you really need the premium version is if you have a site that is in a very competitive SEO market where that extra 0.2 second load time might matter, or if you are trying to install it on a large site where you need to compress thousands of pre-existing images. That said, these are both “big business” problems; so, anyone who this applies to should be more than able to eat the cost.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP Fastest Cache] Waste of timeI run the free version on plenty of sites and tested it against other free caching engines, and it outperforms them pretty consistently (at least on the themes I typically use).
The premium version is much faster, but is typically only really necessary for high-end clients with competitive SEO needs.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Downloading applications as CSV does not workI just resolved this same issue, and it is not a problem with the plugin itself, but rather server settings. If you try exporting too many applications at once it will overflow your PHP max input limit. Try adding the following line to your .user.ini file:
max_input_vars = 5000;
If that does not work with your webhost, you can try any of the alternate methods found here
Ultimate Tables also causes this issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Awesome Weather Widget] Connection timed out after 5000 millisecondsVERY helpful to know for anyone using a Firewall. Moreover, WordFence users should note that this does not get auto-whitelisted in Learning Mode so you will have to do it manually.
That would be great! For now I am using a second plugin to do this: Remove Dashboard Access, but it would be much more convient if it could all be managed with just one plugin.
I use Restrict Dashboard Access on a few websites that this would be helpful for; so, please let me know when this is implemented so I can streamline my process on them.