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  • I am guessing you will need to set in your “style.css” the “.children” class to not have bullets.

    You will probably need to put something like this to make it work:

    ul.children {
          list-style: none;

    I just took a quick look at your code and hopefully works for what you are trying to do.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Template Tags?

    PHP development language tags are totally different than WordPress Template Tags.

    The WordPress Template Tags are built-in PHP functions that you can call from your WordPress templates to retrieve and display different things. You place WordPress Template Tags in your templates to display things like the title (the_title), author (the_author), and date (the_date) of your post or to display a list of your categories (wp_list_categories) for example.

    You may run across the term “Tags” in WordPress when creating a post. these tags are keyword that you assign to the current post that help define the content of the post. These “tags” don’t have anything to do with PHP or Template Tags.

    You will need to edit a two more files to remove the header image.

    Edit the “Stylesheet (style.css)” file and find the following lines:

    #header {
    	background: #73a0c5 url('images/kubrickheader.jpg') no-repeat bottom center;

    You need to comment out the “background” image by changing the above code to look like this:

    #header {
    /*	background: #73a0c5 url('images/kubrickheader.jpg') no-repeat bottom center;  */

    Next, you need to edit the “Theme Functions (functions.php)” file and find the following line:

    add_action('wp_head', 'kubrick_head');

    Add two slashes in front of that line to comment it out so that WordPress doesn’t call the function to make the custom colored header image. It should look like this after you are done:

    // add_action('wp_head', 'kubrick_head');

    That should remove the background image at the top of your theme.

    You may also want to read this article about the WordPress Default Theme header image and how you can change it:

    The “body” tag should not have a width set. Remove the “width: 980px;” line under the “body” section in your CSS and see if that helps.

    It looks like the website you referenced is using a table-based design and has sliced the top header image into pieces and then linked the individual images for the menu to the pages.

    They probably used Adobe Fireworks or something similar to create the header with the car and menu to the right.

    Here are a couple of website that explain the technique:

    Table-based design is old school now and not as common as using HTML and CSS for design. You can read more about Table-based vs. CSS-based design here:

    I am not sure if the theme you are using has something like <div id=”wrapper”> in the “header.php” template file, but if it does then you can specify the following CSS in your “style.css” file to center the wrapper and everything inside of it:

    #wrapper {
    	width: 980px;
    	margin-right: auto;
    	margin-left: auto;

    The “width: 980px;” line needs to be set to a certain width in pixels for this to work. The “auto” for “margin-right” and “margin-left” tell it to center the 980 pixel wide wrapper.

    The border you are talking about is actually images that are located here:

    These files are defined in your “header.php” file of your theme in the section that looks like this:

    // Checks to see whether it needs a sidebar or not
    if ( empty($withcomments) && !is_single() ) {
    	#page { background: url("<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/kubrickbg-<?php bloginfo('text_direction'); ?>.jpg") repeat-y top; border: none; }
    <?php } else { // No sidebar ?>
    	#page { background: url("<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/kubrickbgwide.jpg") repeat-y top; border: none; }
    <?php } ?>

    I hope this helps.

    Thread Starter cnc137


    Yes, I know there are workarounds, but I was hoping to style “.page” like I did “.post” and have it look the same for my Pages and Posts. When I use both body_class() and post_class() on the same page other than a Page then it only puts the .post class on the <div>, but on the Page it doesn’t put .post anywhere unless I specify post_class(‘post’) on the “page.php” template file, but that kind of defeats the purpose.

    Here are some samples:

    Homepage (index.php Template)

    <body class="home blog logged-in">
    <div class="post-19 post hentry category-uncategorized" id="post-19">

    Single Post (single.php Template)

    <body class="single postid-19 logged-in">
    <div class="post-19 post hentry category-uncategorized" id="post-19">

    Page (page.php Template)

    <body class="page page-id-2 page-template page-template-default logged-in">
    <div class="post-2 page hentry category-uncategorized" id="post-2">

    Notice how there is no “post” class assigned to the <div> for the Page, but the “page” class is assigned to the <body> and <div>. Also notice that there is no “post” class assigned to the <body> in any of these examples. It would be nice if the <body> tag for a Page would have a different class defined or if the <div> would have “post” assigned to it instead of duplicating the “page” class.

    I almost wonder if the <body> tag should have an ID assigned to it instead of a class to define it, since you will only have one <body> tag per page.

    I guess I will just work around this and style each section myself and maybe even remove these function calls. I was hoping that I could tap into these functions to handle the class definitions of these sections and follow what the WordPress core is using instead of going out on my own. ??

    Thread Starter cnc137


    True. True. True.

    But, if I style a CSS class of “.page” thinking that it will only be assigned to the “post” <div> and then it is assigned to the <body> tag also when I load the Page it messes up everything.

    I know I can ignore them, but I was hoping I could style the “.page” <div> the same as I have styled the “.post” <div>, but I guess using the post_class() function to have it auto assign a class to the section like it does for post for the page won’t work.

    I was just didn’t want to have extra CSS classes on my page to style things when I could’ve maybe used what post_class() generates instead.

    Why have these functions if we can’t take advantage of them? Unless I am totally misinterpreting what they are supposed to be used for in the first place.



    Well, I just downloaded WP 2.0.1 again and re-uploaded all the file and I am now able to activate and deactivate my plugins again. That was weird and I have no clue why I would’ve been able to activate my plugins the other night and then all of a sudden it stopped working today. Oh well, it is working again now so I am happy.




    I am getting this same problem now too. I upgraded from WP 2.0 to WP 2.0.1 and was able to activate all of my plugins after that, but today I tried deactivating one of them and received the following error message:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: check_admin_referer() in /home/dream/public_html/www137/wp-admin/plugins.php on line 5

    Now I cannot activate or deactivate any of my plugins, not even “Hello Dolly”.

    I looked on and didn’t see any mention of this problem either. Does anyone have any idea why the script wouldn’t be able to locate the definition of the “check_admin_referer()” function? I looked at the source code for “plugins.php” and it is including “admin.php” and “admin.php” includes “wp-admin/admin-functions.php” which includes the “check_admin_referer()” function as far as I can tell.

    This is very weird, since I was able to activate all my plugins the other day, but now they magically won’t activate or deactivate. ??


    I was having this same problem today until I read this thread and tried vkaryl suggestion of typing in the key instead of copying and pasting it and it worked. So, if you are having problems try manually typing in the API key instead of copying and pasting and hopefully it works like it did for me.


    I submitted this to the site after searching on the site and not finding anything related to this.

    The support ticket can be viewed here for everyone’s reference:

    I hope this helps bring the problem to someone’s attention that knows more than us and can fix the problem for all of us.


    I notice this same problem in my WordPress 2.0 database too. I noticed that some of my custom fields also won’t stay for some reason. They display in the database, but in the drop-down menu they don’t exist. I am using the “rc:custom_field_gui” ( ) plugin, so maybe that is the problem, but it seems to be working for most of my custom fields except for one here or there that gets entered into the database, but doesn’t display in the normal custom field drop-down list at the bottom. I was researching this bug when I saw all the “_encloseme” and “_pingme” entries in the database.

    Any solution yet? How do we report this as a bug?


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