3 years, 11 months ago
Good morning
I open debugger after write your code and it gives me this error:
wpcf7.initForm is not a function
Why ?
okk … done …but the form doesn’work
when i go to the form i can’t click SUBMIT
There is an errore on the code
‘Arrow function syntax (=>)’ is only available in ES6 (use ‘esversion: 6’).
Ah ok , thanks Kreas … but where should I write that code ? can i add it on tracking code manager (plugin)? or where?
Sorry , I’m at the beginning ahhaha
i’m asing because this site doesn’t exist
Goodmorning i’ve the same problem, but i don’t understand so much with programming. So in easy words what i must to do ?
i must install some plugin? (i see that you wrote JS plugin) now i have elementor pro and contactform7