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  • Thread Starter cleoni


    the plugin is a good idea indeed.

    I tried it, it partially solves the problem in the sense that it crashes exactly the same (most linkely it uses the same resize method) BUT the crashing message can be seen in the uploader window, so the effect is that the user cannot place the image and at least he’s got the preception he’s doing something wrong.

    I think however the software should not crash like this.
    If it was possible to check the image size beforehand and issue a “image too big” message before attempting to shrink it, it would be the best approach.

    Working on the plugin is better for me than to modify the core code – I will try this myself, thanks for putting me in the right direction.

    Thread Starter cleoni


    One of the images which crashed my blog is this one:


    size is 3872×2592

    Obviously, the user who uploaded it is a beginner and has used an image she got straight out from the photo camera.

    It seems that the system crashes while trying to compute a thumbnail of the image. Isn’t it possible to detect the image size without actually loading it in memory so that it proceeds only if the image has got a reasonable size?

    Thread Starter cleoni


    Please ignore.

    I just found out that it’s Firefox that does a sort of RSS forced caching – the images show up when using IE. Alright.

    Thread Starter cleoni


    Thank you very much, this confirms WordPress is a software with great flexibility.

    I’ll try this technique and report back.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: RSS Feeds horror
    Thread Starter cleoni


    Thanks for your input.

    However I have just installed a plain and bran new wordpress 3.1 and as I imagined, the pictures in the posts won’t show up in the RSS feed, regardless of he RSS setting.

    From my point of view the WordPress core code producing RSS needs attention:
    – filtering out scripts
    – embedding of images (could be an option)
    – hooks to filter out custom markers (such as [imageviewer id=”##”]) in plugins



    I experienced this problem on BlueHost after using an addon domain, the “old” hidden domain pops up in the redirect_to parameter.

    I installed WP with Simple Scripts on the final domain, and no trace of the alternate hidden domain in the options…

    I solved it by unassigning the addon domain and adding it again.

    Perhaps it would help understanding (from the WP developers) how the redirect_to field is filled up by the system…

    Sviluppo Siti Web Bologna

    Thread Starter cleoni


    OK, most likely Bluehost has this suPHP mode. It works wonderfully and never had trobules.

    The server on which I have the problem is a plain and simple Linux box so it is the second type.

    I have assumed that, during plugins update, I need to enable write access for user,group and others on folder plugins and subfolders/subfiles. Insted it does not work.
    Does it download files in some temp folder, somewhere else that it cannot create?

    You see, I would not like to enable write access for all files and folders of the wp installation without real need.
    It is simply not clear to me where it puts the downloaded files.

    Thread Starter cleoni


    It seems that version 2.8 is more memory-hungry than previous versions.

    The problem seems to disappear if you disable more and more plugins.

    The memory exhausted error pops up in other installations of mine, never saw this problem before the upgrade.

    I suggest checking closely memory consumption on next releases, and putting a limit on it. Not all hosting environments allow users to rise memory limits.


    Thread Starter cleoni


    An update:
    It is likely that in my case the problem was coming from prior upgrades.

    After rolling back to 2.7.1 (DB and files) the strange characters are still there.

    Excuse me for the complaint, perhaps misleading.

    I have made available a free online service to clean your HTML from nasty tags such as SPAN, EM and [if / endif].

    Just grab your HTML content by using the [HTML] button on the visual editor, then paste it here:

    follow on-screen instructions and paste cleaned code in place of the old one.


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: post/page versions


    it is exactly what I was looking for.

    The multi-editors capability of WordPress alone leaves me in panic in front of the opportunity that an editor overwrites or deletes content made by another…. this seems to solve the problem.

    Thanks again!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Text Control

    It seems not to work on WP 2.2!

    Hi there,
    I just would like to advise that the Downloads Suite Plugin has been revised, fixed, documentation updated and tested under WordPress 2.0 and 2.0.5

    The plugin can be downloaded from here:

    It offers too downloads tracking, but only for the downloads you will mark as “protected”.

    [sig moderated]

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Multiplayer Plugin
    Thread Starter cleoni


    You just need to create a new page (page, not article) based on the included “Multiplayer Games List” template. Use the admin screen to do this.

    You don’t need actually to put content in it, the template will already generate the multiplayer games list.

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