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  • Have you changed anything since the last time you logged in?

    When I was in the same sort of situation, I looked at it this way:
    Paid Account = $2 a month and I am still limited in what I can do, customization, interface etc..
    The hosting I was already paying for was $7 a month, and I can do whatever I want with it.. not just run a journal.
    The decision was pretty easy. Then I had a friend of mine with a paid LJ make a syndicated account from my RSS feed, and accomplished essentially the same thing.

    Thread Starter clay


    When I first started, I was no where near even compliant(heck I didn’t even know what xhtml was!) but a bit over a week later here I am:)

    I tried to, but I couldn’t get any of my media to show up.
    I don’t have a problem with 1.0.2 though

    Thread Starter clay


    Yeah, broke it, then fixed it again. Now I just need to STOP touching it.
    I manipulated the Simple_sky theme into a 3 column layout, with the Amazon Media manager on the left side with my site menu, and the WP menu on the right.
    It looks right in firefox and IE, and should look good down to 800×600:)

    Thread Starter clay


    Of course I have probably introduced more errors with the continued tweaking i KEEP doing.
    I just can’t stop:(

    Thread Starter clay


    I tweaked some stuff a bit more. Changed most of the width values to be % and moved the Post date over to the right hand side, for lower res users. Also made the comment box smaller, as it was extending over the endge of the menu before.
    Feedback is of course welcome:)

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Nostalgia

    Guamgirl: The reason you are getting a report of the page being that small, is because that isn’t taking into account all of your includes(the header, the menu, and all of the other graphics).
    If you go to this analyzation you will see that with all of the graphics the page is a total of 301k.
    Obviously yours is a very graphic intensive layout(which is fine), but there are definately ways(save for web for all your graphics!) you can get that size down without a loss in visual quality:)

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Nostalgia

    You are using photoshop right?
    Did you do ‘save for web’ to save the images?
    The only problem will be for people on dialup.. but if you are comfortable with that..

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Nostalgia

    Oh and my “about me” page, “domain” page, etc. were all pages I had made on my own before I installed WordPress.
    Ok.. that is how I figured it must be.. but thought you might have somehow set it with wordpress somehow

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Nostalgia

    It obviously looks awesome, and I am impressed. However your header graphic on the top, definately takes a long time to load(it took about 5 seconds and I am on a 3mps cable line). Dialup users would certainly be in for a long wait.
    One suggestion I have, would be to reduce the number of entries on the front page. Rather than having every entry show at once, split them up so users don’t have to scroll down so far. A thread on how to add ‘next page’ links to the bottom of the journal.
    And a question: How did you set it up so that when you click on something like ‘about me’ it loads that page?

    Thread Starter clay


    I just setup a testing site using the 1.2 beta, and it seems that what I am talking about is the default setup for 1.2b

    Thread Starter clay


    Maybe I didn’t make it clear enough what I meant.
    I am talking about the title that appears at the top of the browser window. I have permalinks enabled already, and that isn’t where the problem lay.. my problem is getting the proper information in the title bar

    Thread Starter clay


    I apologize.. I am running WP 1.0.2

    I think you must have an error in the last part of your permalink.
    The links you have are looking for /%p
    Go to your options and check your template and make sure the rule is valid.
    You likely want %postname%

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