Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Login] [Plugin: Social Login] Default role for new userI’m glad to hear that you fix the issue!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Login] [Plugin: Social Login] show Twitter email (Important)Hello,
please try the following change:
1) Open the plugin file communication.php
2) Find the following code:
$user_data = get_userdata ($user_id); if ($user_data !== false) {
3) Add this code below:
if (preg_match ('#example\.com$#i', $user_data->user_email)) { update_user_meta ($user_id, 'oa_social_login_request_email', 1); }
4) It should look like:
$user_data = get_userdata ($user_id); if ($user_data !== false) { if (preg_match ('#example\.com$#i', $user_data->user_email)) { update_user_meta ($user_id, 'oa_social_login_request_email', 1); }
This change should request the email from user accounts created with a bogues email address. This code has not been tested. Please carefully test it before using it on a production website.
We will test and officially add the change to one of the next versions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Login] Social Login plug-in: Works with STEAM!Thank you very much for the great feedback!
I’m glad to hear that our services suit your needs.Regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Login] [Plugin: Social Login] Not workingPlease accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your questions.
Please send us a support request for any problems with your account. will allow us to better assist you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Login] Password, Avatar and comments issueHi bluesalman,
But when user try to change his password he is unable to change it,
A user that has logged in with his social network account doesn’t need a password on your website. Why do you want him to change it?
I was able to change the avatar size for thumbnails in sidebar but i am using buddypress, and in buddypress profile this avatar is not being displayed,
The theme that you are using probably does not use the WordPress/Buddypress avatar hooks. Could you check how does the theme displays the avatars?
ut i dont know how to activvate this feature, can you please guide?
You can just add the shortcode [oa_social_login] into your HTML-Code, at the location wher you want the buttons to be displayed!
hich means it is being fetched every time page is loaded, and if facebook is blocked no avtar will be shown for users registered with social login.
Thank you for this suggestion, we will have a look.
Hi rick4him,
you can re-use your existing Facebook App. You will however have to change your Facebook App Site URL like described in our setup guide.
If this is ok for you, then you don’t have to create a second Facebook App.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Login] [Plugin: Social Login] "Social login" crash my dash boardHi CD4A,
Social Login does not make any changes to the dashboard. This seems more to be a PHP settings problem.
I’ve found this: like your PHP installation has a memory limit of 32MB (33,554,432 bytes) for scripts to use. You need to work with your webhost provider to raise this limit which is usually done by placing something like memory_limit = 128M (what I use) into a custom PHP.INI file in the same directory as your blog on the server
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Login] [Plugin: Social Login] show Twitter email (Important)Hello,
unfortunately Twitter does not provide their users’ email addresses.
To streamline the user connection, the plugin thus creates a fake email address.If you would like to get the users real email address, you can request the user to enter it manually. Open the Social Login settings and look for the option:
Some social networks do not provide their user’s email. Ask the user to enter it manually in this case?
This bug is fixed in 3.1
Very good.
Just for completeness:
dKoka replaced the function oa_social_login_https_o with this code:
function oa_social_login_https_on() { if ( ! empty ($_SERVER ['SERVER_PORT'])) { if (trim($_SERVER ['SERVER_PORT']) == '443') { return true; } } if ( ! empty ($_SERVER ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'])) { if (strtolower(trim($_SERVER ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'])) == 'https') { return true; } } if ( ! empty ($_SERVER ['HTTPS'])) { if (strtolower(trim($_SERVER ['HTTPS'])) == 'on' OR trim($_SERVER ['HTTPS']) == '1') { return true; } } return false; }
We will include this fix in the next version.
Ok, found your email.
could you post or send us the link to your website?,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Login] [Plugin: Social Login] email already in useTwitter does not share the email addresses of his users so it is normal that you see the popup after having activated the request email option and logged in with Twitter.
How come the plugin doesn’t unite my information from the twitter account with my existing account?
For security reasons the plugin will not use manually entered email-addresses to tie accounts together. If this would be possible, I could just login with Twitter, enter your email address and my Twitter account would be linked to yours.
The plugin uses only verified email-addresses directly received from the social networks. This is the reason why it does not unite the Twitter account.
I think the best solution is to enter a fake email in the popup. Afterwards you can then login with your admin account and simply remove the newly created account with the fake email.
I will forward your issue of being stuck to my developers! We are also working on a better solution to tie existing accounts to social network profiles. This feature will be part of the next version!
to remove the plugin from the comments, you can open the file includes/user_interface.php and comment the following lines:
add_filter('comment_form_defaults', 'oa_social_login_filter_comment_form_defaults'); add_action ('comment_form_top', 'oa_social_login_render_login_form_comments');
To comment the lines, simply add // in front
//add_filter('comment_form_defaults', 'oa_social_login_filter_comment_form_defaults'); //add_action ('comment_form_top', 'oa_social_login_render_login_form_comments');
In the next version of the plugin we will add the possibility to disable the comment features in the plugin settings.
Hi doctorcilantro,
currently there does not seem to be any issues:!Regards,