Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] Shortcode for display only one categorie in the results@elssen, here’s an example for showing only ‘music’ related listings:
[classifieds categories="music"]
The shortcode expects categories slug names on the categories parameter. You can add as many categories as you want separated by a comma.
[classifieds categories="music, movies"]
For more info on how to setup shortcodes please refer to our documentation page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] User BackendDan, it uses the native WP backend. You can test it, it’s Free to download and use.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] Edit names of fields@tradedog, for the font sizes you can just use CSS to change the fields styling. You can use your browser inspect tools to find the class names and style them accordingly.
As for the field names, the easiest way is to use the .pot file for translations. Just follow the instructions on our site to create the language file and change the titles to what you want.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] Possible to disable new/used feature?@kookookjew, currently there’s no on/off switch to disable them. It would require several custom changes to the code. But you can change those types to whatever you want.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] Description field would all any entries.@stuffedhaggis, I can see a javascript error:
‘ffwd_plugin_url is not defined’.
That errors seems to affect the TinyMCE Editor used for the description.
Please try temporarily disabling your installed plugins one by one until the error disappears. Then you’ll find which plugin is causing the problem.
After you find it please inform us. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] HTTP Error When Uploading ImagesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] Description field would all any entries.@stuffedhaggis, we’ve recently found an issue with a plugin (content-cards) that could cause this issue.
Please check the following screenshot to see if your description field looks like the one in the left:
If you can, please share a picture of you description field with the browser inspector opened (like in the screenshot).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] Contact Info VisibilityThat feature is planned to be added very soon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] Description field would all any entries.@stuffedhaggis, If you are not using one of the default WP themes, please try temporarily switching to one, like TwentySixteen to check if the problem persists.
Also, please check for any JavaScript errors using your browser inspect tools.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] Contact InformationWe are still considering several options. If we don’t split the fields we’ll go for the fields validation alternative I’ve mentioned.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] Questions: MultisiteYes. It works in a multi-site install. You can download the plugin and test it (it’s Free).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] Contact Information@jpokines, that would require custom development so the form data handler knows that it needs to handle an extra field.
I would suggest you implement a simple validation that checks if the field contains a valid phone or email.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] Social Share Buttons on Single ClassifiedsHello @dorple,
apologies for the late reply.
Glad you’re happy with CWP ??
1. You should be able to use Jetpacks social button but only after some tweaks. Ideally, you should one of these CWP filters to display the social buttons:
single_classified_listing_endDepending on where you want to display the icons. Before, or after the classified description.
You can use this tutorial as a starting point. You need to remove the existing Jetpack filter and hook it into one of CWP’s custom filters.
2. They use different templates, not stylesheets. What do you need exactly here? You can customize them and add or remove the sidebar. We recommend that you do this using a child theme.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] Multiple image per post@sirion89, we’re still working on some actions/filters to be added in a future release and we currently don’t have a public repository.
If you want to use a multiple attribute for the images we would suggest you to customize the input field directly trough the field template.
Each field provides it’s own overrideable template. The default templates are available under ../templates/form-fields. There you’ll also find the file field template.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classifieds WP] Multiple image per post@sirion89, multiple images is meant to be used only with logged users.
Currently, it’s not possible to ‘toggle’ it on/off.
The multiple images uploader use WordPress native image browser and honors it’s users permissions, meaning that only logged users can upload images.
If you are a developer and you know your way around WordPress development you can try ‘hacking’ the functionality.