Sliverlight update on Mac/OS corrected my problem for desktop browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera). IOS devices (iPhone &iPad) still show same problem. That’s with IOS6, BTW.
Same problem with WMA audio file in this post
which shows black box without player. This post works great with mp3. This post uses <audio ..> tag, where WMA post uses [mejsaudio ..] shortcode. Shortcode was a second attempt after <audio ..> tag gave unwanted result, which was a “download file” function instead of a player. Does this suggest some missing MIME coding? Am I supposed to take care of that? If so, please tell me how.
Same problem. I’m new to all this, so I don’t know much about shortcodes. I did provide a full URL to my audio file:
BTW, I’m on “newer” version: 1.0.8