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OK! Thank you so much! You gave me differrents ideas to continue looking for the problem!
Really, thanks because all the information you gave me is going to help me and I’ll start reviewing the whole subject of structured data!!
Yes! Of course. The Google′s ID are:
2586, 2608, 1284, 1781, 1862, 1814, 2584, 1860, 2047, 2538, 1854, 3349, 2610, 2604, 1589, 2508, 2578, 2534, 2764, 3348, 2003, 1852, 763
And this is my product feed url:
Thank you so much for your quick answer
Firtsly, I would like to thank you for your kindness and patience. Then I’ll tell you what I’ve done.
I have deactivate the Pixel Manager for Wocommerce, but the problem continue and and in the next few days I will test that I am not losing information.
After I am reading your instructions, but sorry I dont understand exactly that i have to do… The code, I dont know where I have to paste.
Finally also, I try to continue with the link but I Havent options to configure Google Tag Manager through your plugins as I see in the article that you pass me in the images. I’ll send you a video…
Ok. Furtheremore, I havent problems to use a pro version a tested the pro options this is possible? and if I would have the pro version… Could you help me in a more personalized way?
Thanks again!!
- This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by claraexs.
I have two websites with the same problem. In both when I deactivate, your plugin works well.
In the first one, I have this configuration: the second one website. I think that the settings are the same: you need something more, the wesites are and However in a third web, works without problem.
Thanks so much for your patience and understanding
Hello again. I tested the implentation in Google Tag Manager, but there arent changes about the analytics code.
I have tried to deactivate the plugins that I have working for google analytics and when I deactivate the tatvic one, your plugin works correctly.
Is there anything else you can think of that I can try?
I linked a video and I try to explain my settings and the form issue. Sorry, my english it is not very well.
Sorry, I test different plugins and I got confused with the feed. But I tested your plugin one years ago and I have the same problem. At the present I am working with your plugin and I link here a screenshot so you can see the status of the feed and they do not finish being generated. ??