Thanks. We ended up writing custom PHP code that uses cUrl to connect to a WordPress page we set up without any sidebars and save the html. Note that you need to enable CORS on the WordPress server for this (in our case, modifying the virtual host .conf file in Apache 2).
In our testing on several WordPress themes, we found they reliably have a consistent and unique tag that marks the beginning of the content, such as “<div id=”content” class=”site-content”>”. The custom PHP code can get the top HTML from the first character of the html to that tag.
Most of the themes also have a comment on the tag that ends the content area — such as “</div><!– #content –>”. Other themes just have the “</div>” tag with no comment, so it’s difficult to identify that point in the html — but it’s possible to use the WordPress theme file editor to add such a comment.
We also either remove any date/time from the theme html, or dynamically update it with the current date/time.
That approach let us save top and bottom html wrapper code that can be applied before and after the non-WordPress content we want to match the look of the WordPress site.
Thank you.