Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cyclone Slider] Wrapping text around the slider?I’m trying to do text-wrapping on the right, with the slideshow on the left. The code for that ought to be clear:none, float: left, but unfortunately clear is being crossed out by the Firefox/Chrome browser’s developer tools, and float is not taking effect. To center I think you’re supposed to use auto margins on both sides, but I don’t know if this is compatible with clear:none.
Take a look a W3 schools CSS guide, an excellent resource.
Please post if this clue helps get you anywhere, it might help me also.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cyclone Slider] Not recognizing templateGreentrain, please tell me the exact path of the file in which you put that import statement. I made my own post about this issue and someone gave me a link to the cyclone slider support forum, where I found a few users experiencing the same problem I’m having. You’ve got the closest thing to a solution I’ve found so far.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 3.5.1 Media Upload BugI’m getting 500 errors when I try to upload jpeg files. The thumbnail looks fine today (yesterday it was “now you see it – now you don’t”). I can even attach the picture that got that error to a page. But my slideshow plugin (cyclone slider 2, which I reactivated when I found deactivation didn’t help) only recognizes the pictures I uploaded a couple of months ago, before I upgraded to 3.5.1. The new pictures don’t even get a thumbnail by the plugin. Maybe the 500 error is associated with a directory problem?
I see that in the last few hours at least two other threads on this topic were updated, but unfortunately they don’t lead to a resolution.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 3.5.1 Media Upload BugThe “Add Media” button in “edit page” does not work consistently, nor do uploads to the media library. I’ve downloaded and saved to my local computer eight support threads related to this problem, in addition to a few codex articles, and tried almost everything suggested to fix it, including:
? trying another browser
? deactivating my only plugin
? activating the default theme “twenty-twelve”
? clearing browser cache and cookies
? refreshing
? re-installing 3.5.1
? adding define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false ); to the bottom of wp-config.php file (just before the require_once line),
? added define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true); just before “That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging”
None of the above helped at all.I did not go to the trouble of searching for ghosts of deactivated plugins in File Manager, since the problem began before I’d ever installed my only plugin. Nor did I bother manually reinstalling WordPress, since the automatic install had never had a hitch, I had no reason to suspect it was incomplete. I felt that if I’d try it manually, I was far more likely to leave an incomplete installation.
If the source of this bug were simply a programming error in the latest WordPress version, then the bug would appear consistently. Intermittent malfunction makes me suspect that there is a human variable coming into play, such as something being done or omitted by the webhost.
Indeed, the support forum moderators say clearly that if problems with plugins and themes are ruled out, then it must be due to the webhost. They gave three possibilities for the webhost to fix:
1) The problem is often caused by Google Page Speed.
On some hosting environments, aggressive settings for the “mod_pagespeed” addon can break the javascript code and cause scripts to not be able to function. This can cause many problems, such as widgets not working, menus not being draggable, the customizer not working, or the media screens not being available.
To fix the issue, you will need to disable mod_pagespeed, or adjust its settings to not take effect in the wp-admin directories. You may need to ask your hosting service for help on how to do this.
In the WordPress support forums, Dreamhost says, We’re working for a fix here, and we have a couple options that are semi-perfect. Until then, though, we recommend you either leave that line in your wp-config.php or turn off pagespeed
2) contact your ISP/Host and have them look at the server permissions
3) If there is an error message that a download failed: WordPress reports that release 3.5 changed the temp directory order to prefer the system’s pre-defined temp directory instead of attempting to write into wp-content. On some badly configured hosting systems, this temp directory may be defined, but not actually writable. This causes the error message.
You can work around this by specifying a temp directory on your server with a place that you know WordPress is allowed to write files to. You can do this by adding this line of code into the wp-config.php file.
define( ‘WP_TEMP_DIR’ , ABSPATH . ‘wp-content/’ );I’ve spent days unearthing all of this information.
Today I had a livechat with my webhost, Fatcow. The problem is intermitent, so they didn’t see it today. Unfortunately, this means I couldn’t get them to fix it on their end. The livechat representative kept on talking about how they’d corrected the login problem two days ago, which wasn’t my complaint. She told me to try downloading the latest Adobe flash version to speed up the ridiculously slow performance of the Add Media button. (Even when the media library works, it works poorly.)
Judging from all those support forum posts on this subject, there are a lot of frustrated WordPress users out there. I’ll quote what some of them are saying:
“This is awful why have they done this to a system that worked fine. It is now so slow and complicated and difficult to use. I wish I had never upgraded it is awful. Can’t get the featured images to show in the glider at the top for the featured posts they just come out black.”
“This concatenate scripts issue does not seem to work for me. I have done some testing, and it seems to be narrowing down to a database issue. Not sure why though. I did a fresh install of wp and it worked fine. I activated all plugins and it worked fine. I started to import database records and it seems fine until I add usermeta records and then it breaks. Not sure why WP aren’t rushing out a fix on this.”
The eight threads I downloaded are only the tip of the iceberg – there are more, plus plenty of people chiming in on other people’s ongoing threads saying they are experiencing the same thing.
I thought maybe I could get relief by switching hosts, but I see that customers of several webhosts are having this problem. And unless you answer my request to tell me what capabilities the media uploader requires from a webhost, I have no way to judge who to pick.
I think that the WordPress 3.5.1 Media Library (both upload and “add media”) presents a significant challenge to webhosts and webmasters.
Wouldn’t it make sense to fix it on the WordPress end?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 3.5.1 Media Upload BugI looked at the list of bug fixes that WordPress is working on, but I don’t understand it well enough to say whether the problem I and so many others are having with the Media library is being addressed there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Powerpoint, Sliders and MarqueesI uploaded a small Powerpoint presentation via the WordPress dashboard media library, which placed the file in my website’s assets folder, created a directory entry, and put clickable link on the web page. Unfortunately, when I click on it, garbage is displayed instead of Powerpoint.
Although at first glance the Hebrew text appears correctly right-justified, I just noticed that the last line is incorrectly left-justified. This happened in the middle of a sentence: the last sentence of the paragraph begins on the next to last line, where it is correctly right justified, but the end of the sentence, on the last line, is incorrectly left-justified. I had to remove the period from the end of the sentence, because it was displayed incorrectly to the right of the text, making it appear in the middle of the last sentence, which made the text confusing.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can't get "Network" to appear in Tools menuNow I think I understand what you meant – “that define” is the very line of code I wrote to you about earlier:
define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);
As I said, I put it immediately above
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
which is before any lines that begin with “require”. (There are no lines beginning with “include”.)
It does not appear that the problem is placement of “that define”.What could possibly have gone wrong?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can't get "Network" to appear in Tools menu[ Moderator note: fixed links. ]
Yes, I put in WP 3.4.2 exactly like you described on my domain name,
I have
My host, Fatcow, said that a
“clean install”
is simply a successful installation, which they said I have. WP is working very well on my website – other than the problem installing multisite.
I don’t understand what
“putting that define in weird places”
means. I looked up “define” in this site, and I see that it is a parameter of some code. I’m a newbie, the closest I’ve gotten to dealing with code is what I mentioned in an earlier post in this string. I just copied it from the Codex instructions. My brother-in-law made the sub-directories for me.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can't get "Network" to appear in Tools menuI am now copying the following directly from the my domain name’s /wordpress/wp-config.php:
/* Multisite */ define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true); /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
As I wrote earlier, after pasting
define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);
in directly from an article in the WordPress Codex, I tried typing it in, but that didn’t work either.I understand that this is not the right forum for questions about Bitnami. I am also corresponding with the Bitnami forum, who wanted to know exactly what installer and platform I used.
The reason I mentioned here my unsuccessful attempt to use an installer was because it raises the suspicion index that the problem might not have to do with simple following of the directions, but rather some more subtle underlying cause that prevents both the installer and the manual addition of code from having the usual and desired effect.
Could the problem installing Multisite possibly be related to the fact that my website, (whose only WordPress installation is on the domain name) already has two sub-directories?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] [Plugin: Polylang] MultisiteI’ve read that for SEO, Google recommends having each language in its own subdomain or subdirectory, all within one website domain. Can Polylang handle this? Is Polylang known to be compatible/incompatible with any particular SEO plugin? I’d like to use SEO by Yoast.
The PHP version I’m using is 5.2. (I have an option either upgrade to 5.3 or downgrade to 4.)
The 500 error occurs only with a static front page. Although my site has only static pages, no posts, I tried setting the front page as the latest post. This resulted in the display of a nonfunctional search box in lieu of the nonexistent post. I tried making a test post with a translation. When the front page was set to a post front page, the test post displayed, and the language switcher brought me to its translation. When I switched to a static front page, there was a 500 error.
Because I had some difficulty trying to use Poedit, I copied the .po and .mo files for Hebrew from Polylang and uploaded them to my theme, although I’m not sure if these are appropriate. Translation of the front page apparently succeeded: in All Pages, a pencil icon replaced the plus icon that all untranslated pages have to the right of the page name, and when the cursor hovers over the pencil, the name of the translated page appears.
A few weeks ago, before I managed to make a translation that appeared in All Pages, the 500 error appeared only when the page most recently entered as the front page was classified as English. When the page most recently entered as the front page was classified as Hebrew, there was no 500 error, but the English menu appeared alongside the Hebrew page. The classification determined whether the error occurred; the actual contents did not matter. Now that the Hebrew page has an English translation, there is a 500 error even when the last page entered as the front page is Hebrew.
Is this because the translation of the front page automatically becomes the front page for the second language?When I check “When using static front page, redirect the language page to the front page in the right language”, I get a 500 error. When I uncheck this, I get a 310 error. This happens no matter how “Forces link to front page” is set. What is the language page? How do I eliminate these errors?
I copied the .po and .mo files from Polylang, and uploaded them to my theme. The 500 error remained.
Then my brother-in-law installed and activated the Roots theme which definitely comes already localized for French, complete with .po and .mo files for French. He deleted Hebrew,designated French,made two pages with one as the translation of the other, deleted menus, made new ones for each language,made them front pages – still got a 500 error.
Even when he made a subdirectory, with nothing extraneous in it,the 500 error remained. We are stumpted.
In the meantime I deactivated Polylang,so my site is now accessible.
P.S. Sorry I messed the numbering of the questions when I deleted two of them on the post form, I’m used to Word’s automatic renumbering.