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  • Thread Starter cixliv


    This is the same problem with the Justin TV *live* embeds as well. They are both using the same embed. I assume the compatibility is for the archived streams then. If this plugin worked with the live streams that would be awesome! Your help is greatly appreciated!

    Thread Starter cixliv


    The default embed code from their website. Like:

    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="378" width="620" id="live_embed_player_flash" data="" bgcolor="#000000"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="" /></object><a href="" class="trk" style="padding:2px 0px 4px; display:block; width:345px; font-weight:normal; font-size:10px; text-decoration:underline; text-align:center;">Watch live video from liv12 on</a>

    It doesn’t work with just the flash object either:

    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="378" width="620" id="live_embed_player_flash" data="" bgcolor="#000000"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="" /></object>

    Are you going to fix the thumbnails with twitch/justin embeds? I can’t seem to get them to work.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Automatic Youtube Plugin
    Thread Starter cixliv


    // File:
    // settings.php
    // Description:
    // This file compiles and processes the plugin’s various settings pages.
    // Actions:
    // 1) compile overall plugin settings form
    // 2) process and save plugin settings
    // Date:
    // Added on November 3rd 2010
    // Copyright:
    // Copyright (c) 2010 Matthew Praetzel.
    // License:
    // This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3
    // as published by the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of of
    // the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this software. In the event that you
    // have not, please visit:

    /****************************************Commence Script*******************************************/

    // ******************************* //
    //________________________________** INITIALIZE VARIABLES **_________________________________//
    //////////////////////////////////** **///////////////////////////////////
    // ** ** //
    // ******************************* //
    $tern_wp_youtube_vids = array();
    // ******************************* //
    //________________________________** ADD EVENTS **_________________________________//
    //////////////////////////////////** **///////////////////////////////////
    // ** ** //
    // ******************************* //
    if($GLOBALS[‘pagenow’] != ‘admin-ajax.php’) {
    // ******************************* //
    //________________________________** POST FUNCTIONS **_________________________________//
    //////////////////////////////////** **///////////////////////////////////
    // ** ** //
    // ******************************* //
    function WP_ayvpp_add_posts($x=1,$n=20) {
    global $getWP,$getFIX,$tern_wp_youtube_options,$tern_wp_youtube_o,$tern_wp_users,$tern_wp_youtube_videos,$tern_wp_youtube_keys;
    $tern_wp_youtube_o = $getWP->getOption(‘tern_wp_youtube’,$tern_wp_youtube_options);

    //no channels or WordPress category have been specified
    if(empty($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘user’]) or !$tern_wp_youtube_o[‘category’] or empty($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘category’]) or $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘category’] == ‘-1’) {

    //currently there is an import taking place
    if($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘is_importing’] and $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘is_importing’] !== false and $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘is_importing’] !== $r) {
    if($n == ‘*’) {
    die(‘There is an import currently taking place. Please try again later.’);

    //it is not yet time to import
    if(($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘last_import’]+($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘cron’]*3600)) > time() and !empty($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘last_import’]) and $n != ‘*’) {

    //get all existing imported videos
    $tern_wp_youtube_videos = get_option(‘tern_wp_youtube_videos’);
    $tern_wp_youtube_videos = is_array($tern_wp_youtube_videos) ? $tern_wp_youtube_videos : array();
    $tern_wp_youtube_keys = array_keys($tern_wp_youtube_videos);

    $x = empty($x) ? 1 : (int)$x;

    //keep other imports from happening
    if(!$r or $r !== $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘is_importing’]) {
    $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘is_importing’] = $r = wp_create_nonce(‘ayvpp-‘.time());
    $tern_wp_youtube_o = $getWP->getOption(‘tern_wp_youtube’,$tern_wp_youtube_o,true);

    //get user accounts
    $tern_wp_users = explode(‘,’,$tern_wp_youtube_o[‘user’]);
    $tern_wp_users = $getFIX->removeEmptyValues($tern_wp_users,false);


    //finish import
    $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘is_importing’] = false;
    if($n != ‘*’) {
    $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘last_import’] = time();

    return true;

    function WP_ayvpp_add_import_posts($x=1,$n=20,$r=false) {

    global $getWP,$getFILE,$tern_wp_users,$tern_wp_youtube_o,$tern_wp_youtube_videos,$tern_wp_youtube_keys,$tern_wp_youtube_vids,$tern_wp_youtube_post_defaults;

    //deal with memory issues
    if($n == ‘*’ and !WP_ayvpp_check_memory()) {
    return false;

    //perform import
    $y = 0;
    foreach((array)$tern_wp_users as $v) {


    $tern_wp_youtube_vids = array();

    if(empty($tern_wp_youtube_vids) and $y >= count($tern_wp_users)) {
    return false;
    elseif(empty($tern_wp_youtube_vids)) {
    $c = 0;
    foreach((array)$tern_wp_youtube_vids as $w) {


    $w = $w[‘value’] ? $w[‘value’] : $w;
    $i = explode(‘/’,$w[‘id’]);
    $i = $i[count($i)-1];
    //$k = array_keys($tern_wp_youtube_videos);

    if(!in_array($i,$tern_wp_youtube_keys)) {

    $s = !empty($w[‘content’][‘value’]) ? $w[‘content’][‘value’] : ”;
    if(empty($s)) {
    $s = !empty($w[‘media:description’][‘value’]) ? $w[‘media:description’][‘value’] : ”;
    $s = preg_replace(‘@(https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@’,”$1“,$s);
    $s = explode(‘ ‘,$s);
    if($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘words’] and count($s) > $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘words’]) {
    $s = array_merge(array_splice($s,0,$tern_wp_youtube_o[‘words’]),array(‘<!–more–>’),$s);
    $s = implode(‘ ‘,$s);

    $t = isset($w[‘media:group’][‘media:keywords’]) ? $w[‘media:group’][‘media:keywords’] : ”;

    $a = array(
    ‘post_title’ => $w[‘title’][‘value’],
    ‘post_content’ => $s,
    ‘_tern_wp_youtube_author’ => $w[‘author’][‘name’],
    ‘tags_input’ => $t,
    ‘post_date’ => gmdate(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’,strtotime($w[‘published’]))

    $a[‘id’] = WP_ayvpp_insert_post(array_merge($a,$tern_wp_youtube_post_defaults),$i);
    if($a[‘id’]) {
    if($n == ‘*’) {
    $d = $getFILE->contents(WP_CONTENT_DIR.’/cache/ayvpp.txt’);
    $d .= empty($d) ? (count($tern_wp_youtube_videos)+1).’. ‘.$w[‘title’][‘value’] : ‘<->’.(count($tern_wp_youtube_videos)+1).’. ‘.$w[‘title’][‘value’];
    //$m = memory_get_usage();
    //$d .= “
    <ul class=\”tern_wp_youtube_output_list\”>

    • memory limit: “.ini_get(‘memory_limit’).”
    • memory usage: “.number_format($m).’ bytes = ‘.number_format(round(($m/1024),2)).’ KB = ‘.round(($m/1048576),2).’ MB
    • ‘;
      $tern_wp_youtube_keys[] = $i;
      $tern_wp_youtube_videos[$i] = $a;



      if($n == ‘*’) {

      return true;

      function WP_ayvpp_check_memory() {

      $max = isset($_GET[‘memory’]) ? (int)$_GET[‘memory’] : 32;

      $l = ini_get(‘memory_limit’);
      $memory = (int)$m[0];
      $limit = (int)$m[0]*1048576;

      if(memory_get_usage() > ($limit-5242880)) {
      $memory += 5;
      if($memory <= $max) {
      $limit = $memory*1048576;
      return true;
      return false;

      return true;
      function WP_ayvpp_insert_post($a,$i) {

      global $wpdb,$tern_wp_youtube_array;

      $tern_wp_youtube_array = array_merge($a,array(‘_tern_wp_youtube_video’=>$i,’_tern_wp_youtube_published’=>$a[‘post_date’]));
      $p = wp_insert_post($a);


      global $wpdb,$getWP,$tern_wp_youtube_post_defaults,$tern_wp_youtube_array;
      $o = $getWP->getOption(‘tern_wp_youtube’,$tern_wp_youtube_options);

      $s = $o[‘publish’] ? ‘publish’ : ‘draft’;
      $t = apply_filters(“pre_post_title”,$a[‘post_title’]);
      $t = apply_filters(“title_save_pre”,$t);
      $c = apply_filters(“pre_post_content”,$a[‘post_content’]);
      $c = apply_filters(“content_save_pre”,$c);

      $wpdb->query(“insert into $wpdb->posts (post_author,comment_status,ping_status,post_status,post_title,post_content,post_date) values (“.$o[‘author’].”,’open’,’open’,’$s’,’$t’,’$c’,'”.$a[‘post_date’].”‘)”);
      $p = (int)$wpdb->insert_id;


      $tern_wp_youtube_array = array_merge($a,array(‘_tern_wp_youtube_video’=>$i,’_tern_wp_youtube_published’=>$a[‘post_date’]));

      return $p;
      function WP_ayvpp_delete_posts($i) {
      global $getWP,$tern_wp_youtube_options,$tern_wp_youtube_fields;
      $o = $getWP->getOption(‘tern_wp_youtube’,$tern_wp_youtube_options);
      $videos = $getWP->getOption(‘tern_wp_youtube_videos’,array());
      $y = get_post_meta($i,’_tern_wp_youtube_video’,true);
      if($videos[$y]) {
      $videos[$y][‘id’] = false;
      foreach($tern_wp_youtube_fields as $v) {
      function WP_ayvpp_add_meta($i) {
      global $tern_wp_youtube_fields,$tern_wp_youtube_array;
      foreach($tern_wp_youtube_fields as $v) {
      if(!empty($tern_wp_youtube_array[$v]) or !empty($_POST[$v])) {
      $m = empty($tern_wp_youtube_array[$v]) ? $_POST[$v] : $tern_wp_youtube_array[$v];
      return true;
      function WP_ayvpp_parse_videos($v,$i=1,$n=20) {
      global $tern_wp_youtube_vids;

      $z = $n == ‘*’ ? 50 : $n;

      $c = new tern_curl();
      $r = $c->get(array(
      ‘url’ => ‘;.$v.’/uploads?orderby=published&max-results=’.$z.’&start-index=’.$i,
      ‘options’ => array(
      ‘RETURNTRANSFER’ => true,
      ‘FOLLOWLOCATION’ => true

      $x = new ternXML;
      $a = $x->parse($r->body);

      if(empty($a[‘feed’][‘value’][‘entry’])) {
      else {
      $a = $a[‘feed’][‘value’][‘entry’];

      if($a[‘id’]) {
      $a = array($a);

      $tern_wp_youtube_vids = array_merge((array)$tern_wp_youtube_vids,$a);


      return true;
      // ******************************* //
      //________________________________** SOCIAL **_________________________________//
      //////////////////////////////////** **///////////////////////////////////
      // ** ** //
      // ******************************* //

      //Twitter changed to OATH. For now the twitter features are no longer available.
      function WP_ayvpp_twitter_status($i) {
      global $getWP,$tern_wp_youtube_options;
      $o = $getWP->getOption(‘tern_wp_youtube’,$tern_wp_youtube_options);

      if(empty($o[‘twitter_text’])) {
      $o[‘twitter_text’] = $tern_wp_youtube_options[‘twitter_text’];

      if($o[‘twitter’] and !empty($o[‘twitter_user’]) and !empty($o[‘twitter_password’])) {
      $t = new MyTwitter($o[‘twitter_user’],$o[‘twitter_password’]);
      if($t) {

      /****************************************Terminate Script******************************************/

    Thread Starter cixliv


    OK, what is the code for the Livestream page for the chat window to show up? It was in brackets [???].

    Thread Starter cixliv


    Thank you for your response. I have the latest version, and I disabled the thumbnail, and I still cannot get it to show up in the sidebar. I have changed the width to multiple different values.

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)