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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme: Unspoken] Widgets title not displayedclass wpshower_tabs extends WP_Widget { function wpshower_tabs() { $widget_args = array('classname' => 'unspoken-tabs', 'description' => __('Tabs', 'unspoken') ); parent::WP_Widget(false, __('WPSHOWER Tabs', 'unspoken'), $widget_args); } function form() {} function update() {} function widget($args) { global $wp_registered_widgets; extract( $args ); echo $before_widget; $widget_ids = wp_get_sidebars_widgets(); if ( !empty($widget_ids['tabs-widget-area']) ) { echo '<div class="tabs-section">'; $output = '<ul class="tabs-list">'; $i = 0; foreach ( $widget_ids['tabs-widget-area'] as $widget ) { // <-- DURANDAL -- //$widget_object = $wp_registered_widgets[$widget]['callback'][0]; $widget_object = $wp_registered_widgets[$widget]['callback_wl_redirect'][0]; // -- DURANDAL --> $widget_id = $wp_registered_widgets[$widget]['params'][0]['number']; $widget_data = get_option($widget_object->option_name); foreach ( $widget_data as $id=>$widget ) { if ( $id == $widget_id ) { $i++; if ( $i == 1 ) { $output .= '<li class="tabs-current">'.$widget['title'].'</li>'; } else { $output .= '<li>'.$widget['title'].'</li>'; } } } } echo $output .= '</ul>'; if ( !dynamic_sidebar('tabs-widget-area') ); echo '</div>'; } echo $after_widget; } } add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("wpshower_tabs");'));
working by updating tabs.php Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme: Unspoken] Widgets title not displayedworking by updating tabs.php Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme: Unspoken] Widgets title not displayedSame to me
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in mywebsite/wp-content/themes/unspoken/core/widgets/tabs.php on line 30
It seems that the publisher don’t update it seems
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