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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP Download Codes] Downloads not completing in some browsersOk, I’m bumping this because we went live with the new code and we’re still having some issues. If anyone can please help, I have no clue how to go about fixing this issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP Download Codes] Downloads not completing in some browsersI have not confirmed that it works on Mac. The guy I’m working on the site for says he also got an incomplete download (although I duno if it was 0kb) after I changed the code but I don’t know if he cleared his cache before trying again. He’s running Mac OSX and Safari.
I tried it with another friend running Chrome on Mac OSX and he had no issues.
I had no issues with FF4 in Win7x64.
Try going back to the Download Codes part of your admin page and try editing your download. Make sure that it’s pointing to the right file and that WP_DC can see the file.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP Download Codes] Downloads not completing in some browsersaly22 THANK YOU!!!
I think I’ve got the problem fixed, well at least the new code is working. There was an error in the post you linked to, here is a corrected version (I got the 0kb issue as well initially).
Go to your dc_template.php file.
search for //Stream file
replace everything from //Stream file to just before //Close file with this:
// Stream file $handle = fopen( dc_file_location() . $release->filename, 'rb' ); $chunksize = 1*(1024*1024); $buffer = ''; $cnt =0; if ($handle === false) { return false; } while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fread($handle, $chunksize); echo $buffer; ob_flush(); flush(); if ($retbytes) { $cnt += strlen($buffer); } } $status = fclose($handle); if ($retbytes && $status) { return $cnt; // return num. bytes delivered like readfile() does. } return $status;
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP Download Codes] Downloads not completing in some browsersAfter testing with a hard-linked file, it appears that it is not a server side issue and is something going on in the script. Unfortunately, I’m not exactly a programmer. I know some PHP but this script is a little beyond me. Anyone have any ideas?
Can anyone give me any help with this, it’s a really strange issue and it looks really bad to have just one line of different font text on my page.
Here is the class I defined for Download Code:
.dc-download-code{ color:#3f3f3c; font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
I don’t see why there would be any conflicts. Is there a possibility that the download code files are not looking in the correct place for my style.css file in firefox but defaulting to the correct location in IE?
I also found a way around the initial message by changing the code to this:
$html .= '<font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">' . dc_msg( 'code_enter' ) .'</font>' .' <input type="text" name="code" value="' . $post_code . '" size="20" /> ';
By adding the font face to $html I was able the change the font, however, if I do this, it doesn’t work:
else { $html = '<font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">'; $ret = dc_msg( 'max_attempts_reached' ); $html = '</font>'; }
This means that something within the return is preventing the formatting from coming through, which doesn’t make any sense to me since all it’s doing is returning a string of text which should be easily formattible by the browser.
I just tested it in Internet Explorer and it works fine, however, it does not work in Firefox or chrome. Any ideas why? Most of our target audience will be using Firefox or Safari, so it’s going to be important that the page renders correctly in those browsers.
I ended up just changing the style of link highlighting so this isn’t important anymore.
I looked at the source of the page and the div containing the download code has the class “dc-download-code” however, if I create a class called that in my style.css file, it doesn’t change anything. Is it the child of something else that I’m not noticing?