Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] PDF Table with ICON and TitleHello,
Please submit a support request and we’ll take a look at what causes this to work with the default theme but not with Exodus.
Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Church Content - Sermons, Events and More] Changing "Sermons" to "Teaching"Hello,
You can create an English to English translation to change the wording but the post type URL slug will still be “sermons”.
A complete approach is to filter the post type registration’s arguments with your own plugin. That will let you change the rewrite slug and text. Here are some details:
You’ll need to re-save permalinks to flush the rewrite rules after making your modification.
Thank you for using and reviewing the plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Church Content - Sermons, Events and More] Using to post sermonsWe would have to dig into this before making a decision on that. Other tasks have priority right now, however. We decide what features to work on next largely based on demand. It is a very good idea and we have noted it and will add weight to it if and when others make a similar request.
Hi Dave,
A WordPress site should normally return to the same state when re-activating a theme and plugins that were previously deactivated. You could make a full backup of your site beforehand to play it safe.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Church Content - Sermons, Events and More] display order for peopleHello,
The plugin will sort events in the admin area based on Start Date. If this is not happening as expected, check to see if you have any plugins activated that let you manually sort posts. A plugin like that can interfere with the default sorting in the admin area.
If your events are not sorting as expected on the front-end of the website then you can contact your theme provider for support. The theme controls the presentation of content while this plugin provides admin areas to manage the content.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Hi Chad,
Thank you for taking the time to review the plugin (and for using one of our themes).
We’ve had more requests for this feature than any other so we’ve been working on a solution. We hope to have it ready soon. If you need this now, there are several dedicated events plugins that already have custom recurrence options.
Please let us know if you have any questions or other suggestions.
Thanks for the review, Chris!
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Church Content - Sermons, Events and More] Excellent site, great support!We’re very glad to hear you’re happy with the Church Theme Content powered theme you are using.
Thank you for the review.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Church Content - Sermons, Events and More] Very well doneThank you for taking the time to review our plugin. We really appreciate it!