Forum Replies Created
Sorry for the delay, I was busy so I didn’t log in for quite a while. Yes, the extension works very well, the highlighter is now triggered even in the posts page. Thank you very much for your work!
Since there is AVR assembly on the list of the built-in languages it would be nice to add Microchop (PIC) assembly highlighting too – as many people use both (PICs & AVRs). Some other suggestions: Z80 & 6502 assembly, PureBasic, AWK scripts and maybe G-code (for CNC).Regards
Thank you very much, I’ll check the plugin as soon as I catch time.
That’s wonderful!! Thank you very much!
thank you for the reply. I am using Jetpack’s/Slimpack’s Infinite Scroll as Twenty Sixteen supports it out of the box.
Yes, Inifinite Scroll now works out of the box.
Thank you very much!
That is why I am confused. Because I am using Twenty Sixteen and nothing happens after activating the Infinite Scroll option (still multiple pages with).
I’ve sent you the URL so you can check.
Thank you very much! Just to be sure – as I understood the Twenty Sixteen theme already has built-in support for infinite scroll so it is enough to just enable the plugin and infinite scroll should work out of the box? Is that correct or is there still a need to edit the
as per this article?I found the statements: ‘The theme has built-in support for infinite scroll but you have to edit the
‘, a bit confusing and I can’t anywhere find any clear explanations.Hi,
yes, the issue has now been resolved and Latex now works regardless if Infinite Scroll is disabled or not, thank you very much for the reply.
However, I couldn’t make Infinite Scroll to work – neither now after the plugin update, nor before the update :-/ The only thing that changes when I enable Infinite Scroll is the checkbox: Track each Infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics shows up in Settings > Reading. But even when Infinite Scroll is enabled there are links to jump to the next page at the bottom and the articles open in the separate page.
I can give you access to my test server if you would like to check.
I’ve mailed you a link and the following description:
When you open the link you will arrive on the front static page. Then please:
1. Navigate to the BLOG menu entry so you will see the correct look of the posts – please scroll down to the page 2 and notice how the bodies of posts Latex test, Test Syntax Highlighter-a and ?? look like (smiley is the heading of one of posts).
2. Navigate to the Ajax Load More menu entry and scroll down to the same posts as in #1 and compare. You will notice that when the posts are displayed with Ajax Load More, then:
The heading Latex test is missing and the first Latex expression isn’t displayed.#02
No share/like buttons. I tried a few social sharing plugins but share/buttons are not shown when the posts are displayed by Ajax Load More so that is a very serious issue.#03
C source code, bash script and JavaScript are not anymore highlighted by the syntax highligting plugin(s) and the last source code (js/html/css example) is displayed as plain text#04
Emoticon which should be under the text ’37:23′ is displayed ontop of the post’s heading (the heading is the text ‘??‘). So the heading is ‘:-)’ and then there is the text ‘37:23‘ and after that there is emoticon. But if the same post is displayer with Ajax Load More then, as you can see, the emoticon is displayed covering the post’s heading (they are displayed in the same place) and only after that ‘heading + part of the body’ combination – there is the text ’37:23′.So at the moment I cannot use Ajax Load More plugin at all because the posts are displayed incorrectly and/or with missing headings, and the social sharing icons are missing regardless of which social sharin plugin I use.
Please note I have slow upload speed (10 Mb/s download, 80 kB/s upload) so each page takes a few seconds to show. I will hold this dynamic DNS link working and port 80 opened at least the next 24 hours so you are able to check URL. If you couldn’t open the page please try a few minutes later (maybe I am restarting the PC controlling the network at the moment).
I’ve set up everything so I can send you the URL. Can you please write the email addres where I can send you the link?
In the screenshots I sent you can in the left side see how the posts look like when they are displayed correctly (when Ajax Load More is disabled) and in the right side you can see the same posts displayed wrongly (when Ajax Load More is enabled).
In the first screenshot you can see (in the left side) the syntax highlighting shortcode has been correctly processed so C source code, bash script and JavaScript code is highlighted by the syntax highlighter – while in the right side you can see C source code, bash script and JavaScript code is not highlighted. In other words, after enabling Ajax Load More the syntax highlighting is lost (as is lost the formatting of the posts’ headings – you can see that in the left the post headings are biger and bold and in the right the formatting is not the same, it looks like CSS for headings wasn’t processed).
I (still) don’t have a public website but rather a test install on the server inside of my local home network. Since the server is Raspberry Pi and my upload speed is only 80 kB/s I cannot post the URL here on the forum, however I can set up dynamic DNS and open port 80 so you can temporarily (e.g. in the next 24 hours) access the server. Can you please tell me the email address where I can send you the URL? And please tell if you want to see:
a) How the pages should look like (when Ajax Load More is disabled)
b) You want to see the pages when they are displayed incorrectly (when Ajax Load More is enabled).
There are always tradeoffs, you can select to hash the IP address and by default geo-location is disabled.
That way could be implemented to enable/disable local tracking as well. But OK, it is your decision.
The line isn’t black and white so there’s always a question of what is and isn’t tracking, this is where we’ve drawn our line.
I understand. But the situation is similar to:
1. We will make a very fast car with built-in anti-radar system so the driver could drive very fast not to be caught for speeding.
2. We will disable the car radio to enhance the driving safety.
There is no point in enhancing the driving safety by disabling the radio if the safety has alrady been compromised by #1.
Similarly, you cannot improve the visitor’s privacy by not enabling to record his browsing path after he arrived at the site – when you’ve already collected all his critical data (IP, location, how he got at the site, what he typed in the search field, …). The visitor’s privacy has already been compromised when he arrived so you can’t say: ‘OK, I tracked all the data about the visitor but now I will give him some of his privacy back by not tracking him furthermore.’. Because that ‘furthermore’ tracking would be very minor to what was already tracked when the visitor arrived at the site.
I am not saying the plugin is not good, it is really a great plugin and I’ll leave 5 star review as soon as I’ll be able to make it work. The idea to have stats without using external services is really great, however there is still room for the improvements.
Best regards
I’ll try to find out from where comes 256 MB instead of 128 MB. Maybe that is even somehow connected to the problem with opening the Overview page.
I shall try to find out the exact cause of what I described. If the problem is with the server configuration I believe sooner or later some other plugin will also experience the troubles.
2. If that is so, maybe you should consider adding the note because user can not figure out that information by reading the setting description. The note could/should be something as: ‘Please note if the user arrives at site, after xy seconds they will not be anymore detected as ‘online’ nor will anymore be shown in the Online count.’.
3. So you were planning to implement the UI to show the time of arrival for just the last visitor?
4. I must admit I don’t quite understand. Correct me if I am wrong: the plugin tracks the visitor’s IP address, it can geolocate the visitor, it tracks how exactly (from where) the visitor got to the site (the plugin tracks the referrer) and it even tracks the search string visitor typed to find the site – and all that is not considered ‘tracking’, but the information if the visitor visited:
page1 --> page2 --> page3
page1 --> page3 --> page2
within the site is considered tracking??
How can I assure that? If I put:
<?php echo ini_get('memory_limit'); ?>
in WP index.php to show the result in the WP pages – will that assure it’s the same context?