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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] Reset ranking for 2nd PhaseYa. Found it too.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] Reset ranking for 2nd PhaseThank you Landoweb! I’ve been ableto add the feature manually.
What about the ranking widget? Could you please advise?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] Reset ranking for 2nd PhaseIs there anyway i can have the samething in v1.8? Modification in php for example?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] Points reset for 2nd phase?This playoff=1 option only works for v1.9 ? I’m having v1.8 and it doesn’t seem working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] User ranking display positionI have added a small improvement onto farhaz1907’s solution.
Example:1. member1 60pts
2. member2 58pts
2. member3 58pts
4. member4 55ptsAs you can see the member4 is ranked 4th and not 3rd as in farhaz1907’s solution.
$pos = 1; $count = 1; $oldTotal = -1; foreach ($result as $row) { if($oldTotal > $row->total){ $pos = &count; } if ($row->ID == $curr_user_id) { $style = "style=\"$highlight\""; } else { $style = 'class="wcup-row"'; } $output .= "<tr $style><td class='wcup-user'>".($avatar ? get_avatar( $row->ID, '16', '', $row->display_name ) : '').' '.$pos . '. ' . $row->display_name."</td><td class='wcup-points'>$row->total</td><td class='wcup-review'>"; $oldTotal = $row->total; if (get_option($this->prefix.'player_predictions')) { $output .= "<a class='review-link' title='".__('Predictions', WCP_TD)."' href=\"".get_option($this->prefix.'player_predictions')."&wcp=predictions&user=".$row->ID."\"><img src='". WP_PLUGIN_URL."/".WCP_TD ."/images/predictions.png' /></a>"; } $output .= "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL; $count++; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] User Prediction and Match Predictions not workingThank you for your suggestion. But I do not want to take the risk to do the upgrade in the middle of the game.
I have solved the problem by keeping the previous css class names.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] User Prediction and Match Predictions not workingForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Login cookies problem with IEProblem solved.
It was caused by an underscore in my sub-domain name.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Internet Explorer log in problemProblem solved.
It was caused by an underscore in the sub-domain name.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Looging in as an administratorI had this problem as well.
It was caused by an underscore in my sub-domaine name.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Internet Explorer log in problemi’m facing exactly the same pb. Just reinstalled the wordpress and none of the plugin is activated yet. So i doubt that it’s the plugin which causes the pb.
Help is really appreciated.