9 years, 6 months ago
It’s showing on the body tag, so I assumed it was something woocommerce was adding.
From your response, that is not correct.
9 years, 9 months ago
Maybe something to do with WooCommerce’s function fix_server_vars()
Having the same issue here:
Appears to be Chrome >= v44 that has this issue with WooCommerce and SSL
@grantsdale: I agree, same issue here for only Chrome >= v44
This appears to only happen on the beta version of Chrome
I’m also having this issue, it seems to be that even though you visit the website with https:// anything loaded with get_stylesheet_directory_uri() is over SSL.
Only happens for me in Chrome 44.0.2403.61 beta-m (64-bit) – all other browsers are fine
10 years, 4 months ago
Thank you for your feedback, if you think of any way to improve it please let me know