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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: display html pages along side word press siteI was not able to come up with any suggestions when I had the same problem trying to add a pdf for download. What I finally did was add them to a subdomain. Not ideal but served my needs for now.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Static HTML pages redirect to WordPress blogRealize this is outdated question but in case anyone come looking with same problem or suggestions..
I was trying to solve the same problem few days ago. Putting the file (in my case it was a pdf) in a subdirectory still redirected to 404 within WordPress. I understand why this happens, but it still leaves a problem. My solution for now is that I had to put the pdf in a subdomain rather than a subdirectory.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Putting “Edit” links on every post and page.Sorry, missed your question, Moshu. The person sounded uncomfortable with messing with code – though it’s definitely an easy change. Also, I like the admin bar because I can get quick access to various parts of admin directly from my site and it only shows up when you are logged in. Yes, yours is a more direct answer to getting the exact results requested. Mine was just another option. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Putting “Edit” links on every post and page.I’d go the plugin route ;). There’s one I recently found that is great for this. It’s called ‘ admin bar’ and it puts admin links at the top of your website – but only shows up for people who are logged in. There are several variations of this plugin and you can find it, and the variations, listed here
Try a great little plugin called MyPageOrder
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: feedback and criticism please!Simple and clean. If it serves your needs, then you are all set. ?? Congrats on getting up your first WP site.
links of intrest <- spelling error
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP Dropdown Menu for PagesLook for ‘nrs folding pages’ plugin
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Themes not visibleAlso, a lot of people have had same problem with various solutions. Use the search function for ‘themes not showing admin’ (without quotes) or something similar
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to embed a form in a pageThere are a few plugins that make it really simple to add a contact form and some that are downright fancy.
Here’s a simple one that I am using
It has the basic fields plus spam preventionAnd here’s an advanced one that does everything but mop the floors lol. each, you just set up the options (LOT of options with cforms), and add a tag into the Page/post where you want the form to appear.
You can also go to and search for Contact Form for more. (Note that Contact Form ][ does not line up correctly in IE.)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post Date and TimeRight. More specifically, edit this line out of the page.php
<?php the_date(); ?>
This will remove it from ALL Pages that you create (not posts). If you want a specific Page to contain the date, you’ll have to make a separate template for it.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: redirected to that’s bizzare lol. Sorry, definitely didn’t think you meant that literally. Glad you were able to get it fixed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sitemap 404 errorYou need to look at the theme designer’s page to learn how to use the theme. If you can’t figure it out and you’d like to post a url of the theme you are using, then others may be able to more easily help. It could just be a holder for a Sitemap Page that you need to create. If so, then create the Page and use a plugin like Dagon Designs Sitemap plugin to easily create the sitemap.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: install a widgetNot understanding your question. Are you referring to a specific widget? Are you looking for a widget to display a button for people to Digg your site? Do you want a widget that displays the sites that you Digg?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I create a page that doesn’t show in list…Look in the docs for ‘exclude pages’ or even better would be to use sidebar widgets and just set the widgets to exclude those Pages.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I’m looking at a white blank pageYour index page is white or your wp-admin screen (or both?)
If you can access the admin, then change the theme. If you cannot access admin, then maybe ftp the wordpress installation files over-riding the original files. Then maybe try the upgrade process. I’m not sure of proper solution to offer when I don’t know what currently exists.If you just want to know what files are installed when you install wordpress for comparison sake, then you should just download the installation files and check them out.