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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How To Remove This TextWell seeing as how you marked this resolved Im assuming you already got it.
Looking at the link, and not seeing that text anywhere.. Ill take a wild guess and say, yes…. you did get it..For anyone else, another way to do this is download the theme through your ftp client, and use GrepWin to do a mass search for the text you want to find. This program will search any txt file, php file, css html etc for specified text. and tell you what file it was located in..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Making Post Appear in Both Page and CategoryYoull have to try and explain yourself in better detail, take some time and write out what youre trying to do, and be specific and detailed. because maybe its just me, but im not certain i know what youre talking about
research facebook Open Graph, also, once someone likes the page, i tihnk facebook caches the info/picture, so if you later update the specific page with a different thumbnail, it will continue to be used until facebook re caches their junk.. i dont think what i just said is going to be of much help though.. :-/
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How To Remove This Texta half ass way to do this is go through all of the php files in Appearance>Editor. and search for the text Trackbacks/Pingbacks using
Ctrl + F (On your keyboard)and simply delete that text, or if your Jive enough you could delete the whole line of code that tells that text to appear, which would be the more efficient way to do it..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Memory problems :(I dont mean to hostbash, but 1and1 sucks. I use certifiedhosting and they seem to me to have their servers configured pretty well, i see problems like yours and even more ridiculous ones all the time and im happy to say I never have those problems. id switch to another host while you still can
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Modifing Plugin Without Release New VersionYou could just make “another” update, with the iframe/ajax thing bradm said above, and maybe you could add another nice feature that wont take you to long to make and use that as an excuse for such a quick update.. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how can I add music downloads to my site?One way, you can upload the songs via wordpress media uploader.
And then simply create links in your posts/pages to those files.To allow a user to play the songs right there on your website you can use a plugin, I haven’t done this so I couldn’t recommend any one in particularly.
But you can go here, find one that suites your needs, and I would suggest making sure its up to date with the latest wordpress release, and has a good number of downloads, with a decent rating.
Hip Hip! HOORAY!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple conditions? cant figure it..woopsy, didnt paste the whole code..
class my_archive_loop extends thesis_custom_loop { function archive(){ if(is_archive()){ echo '<div class="three-teaser-row">'; $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => 15, 'post_type' => 'post' ); $my_query = new WP_Query($args); while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); $do_not_duplicate = $post->ID; thesis_teaser('teaser', $post_count = false, $right = false); endwhile; echo '</div>'; } else { thesis_loop::archive(); } } } new my_archive_loop;