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  • Hi there,

    It is possible to remove these image URLs from your posts using PHP. Since you want to apply this only to a specific category, you can make use of the the_content filter along with a category check.

    Here is a sample code snippet:

    function remove_image_url($content) {
        if (in_category('your-category-slug')) { // Replace 'your-category-slug' with your specific category slug
            $content = preg_replace('/<p>https?:\/\/[^<]*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)<\/p>/', '', $content); // This regex assumes the URLs end with jpg, jpeg, png, or gif.
        return $content;
    add_filter('the_content', 'remove_image_url');

    The code uses a regular expression to find and replace the <p> tags containing an image URL.

    Please add this code to your theme’s functions.php file. Remember to replace ‘your-category-slug’ with the slug of your specific category.

    Please backup your site before making any changes to the code.

    Also, this code doesn’t permanently delete the image URLs from your posts. It only filters them out when the content is being displayed. If you want to permanently remove them, you would have to run a script to update each post in the database.

    Alternatively, you can use plugins such as search and replace that you can use to search for the content and delete them from the database.

    Best regards,

    Christopher Amirian

    Hi there,

    WordPress block themes are built with full site editing in mind, and a lot of the traditional WordPress functions don’t work the same way as with classic themes. For instance, functions like get_header(), get_footer(), and get_template_part() are not applicable in block-based themes because these themes use blocks to render their entire structure instead of PHP templates.

    In block themes, everything (including the header and the footer) is built using blocks via HTML and a small amount of PHP. This is all controlled by theme.json and block templates. So, you won’t be able to use traditional PHP template files to override the header, footer, etc.

    Instead of custom post types and templates, you’ll need to utilize block patterns and/or block templates with your plugin. Here’s how you could potentially make your plugin compatible with both classic and block themes:

    1. Create block patterns or block templates: These can be used to add pre-designed sections to a page. You can create patterns or templates for various staff layouts and include these in your plugin.
    2. Add these patterns/templates to the block pattern directory: This will make them available to users within the block editor. They can then add these patterns/templates to their pages as needed.
    3. For classic themes, continue using custom post types and templates: You can use conditional logic to check if the active theme is a block theme or a classic theme, and then output the content accordingly.

    You can check if the active theme is a block theme by using the wp_is_block_theme() function. Here’s an example:

    if ( wp_is_block_theme() ) {
        // Code for block themes goes here.
    } else {
        // Code for classic themes goes here.

    You can get started here.

    Best regards,

    Christopher Amirian

    Hi there,

    I did not understand exactly what you meant.

    If the span is working now, then please check the data attribute in the front end of the website.

    I think the Gutenberg editor might not render the data- attributes in the editor itself, but they should appear on the front end when you publish or preview the post.

    Best regards,

    Christopher Amirian

    Hi there,

    It is very hard to know what is the problem cause without having access to the app somehow.

    Let’s wait for others to see if they have more suggestions for you to check.

    Best regards,

    Christopher Amirian

    Hi there,

    Based on the description of the problem, there are several things you could check:

    1. Jetpack Plugin Settings: If you’re using Jetpack’s CDN for images (formerly known as “Photon”), it might be causing the issue. You might want to temporarily disable this feature to see if it resolves the issue.
    2. Image file permissions: Incorrect file permissions can prevent images from displaying. Check the file permissions of your images. Typically, file permissions should be set to “644” for images. This can usually be done through your web hosting control panel, or by connecting to your server via FTP.
    3. Cache and CDN services: If you’re using a caching plugin or a CDN (Content Delivery Network), try clearing the cache. Also, temporarily disabling these services could help identify if they’re causing the problem.
    4. Image file paths: Check if the file paths of your images are correct. If you’ve recently moved your website or made changes to your file structure, your image links might be broken.
    5. Plugin conflict: Try disabling all your plugins except for the one related to your app and see if the issue persists. If the issue is resolved, reactivate your plugins one by one to identify the one causing the problem.
    6. Theme conflict: Try temporarily switching to a default WordPress theme (like Twenty Twenty-One) and see if the images show up in your app. If they do, then the issue is likely with your current theme.
    7. Memory Limit: Sometimes, lack of server resources (like PHP memory limit) can cause issues. You might want to try increasing your memory limit. This is typically done by adding define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M'); to your wp-config.php file.

    Remember to backup your site before making any changes.

    If you provide me with the link of the app/website it will give me a better way to check and see if I can identify the issue for you.

    Best regards,

    Christopher Amirian

    Hi there,

    Your code is almost correct, you just need to change the way you define your format type.

    The main mistake is in the className field. This field only allows to add classes to your element, not arbitrary attributes. To add data-no-translation attribute to the span tag, you have to use attributes field correctly.

    I think this code would do it:

    ( function( wp ) {
        var MyCustomButton = function( props ) {
            return wp.element.createElement(
                wp.blockEditor.RichTextToolbarButton, {
                    icon: 'editor-code',
                    title: 'No Translate',
                    onClick: function() {
                        props.onChange( wp.richText.toggleFormat(
                            { type: 'my-plugin/my-custom-button' }
                        ) );
                    isActive: props.isActive,
            'my-plugin/my-custom-button', {
                title: 'No Translate',
                tagName: 'span',
                className: null, // no class required
                attributes: { // add your data attribute here
                    'data-no-translation': 'value' 
                edit: MyCustomButton,
    } )( window.wp );

    This should result in creating <span data-no-translation="value">Your Selected Text</span> around your selected text in Gutenberg editor.

    Best regards,

    Christopher Amirian

    Hi there,

    Yes, there are several WordPress plugins that can help you track user activity on your site. Here are a few you might consider:

    1. WP Activity Log: This plugin keeps a log of everything that happens on your WordPress site, including file changes, user activity, and more. It can help you track who logged in, what changes they made, and which posts they viewed.
    2. Simple History: This is another user activity tracking plugin. It logs various user activities, including login, logout, incorrect password attempts, and more. It also logs changes in posts, pages, attachments, and other areas.
    3. User Activity Log: This plugin is designed specifically to monitor user activity. It logs all sorts of activity, including post editing, login attempts, and more.
    4. Stream: Stream is designed to track logged-in user activity. With Stream, you can track all activity in a WordPress site, filter activity by user role, view activity by specific users, and more.

    Remember that tracking user activity requires you to follow all relevant privacy laws and regulations. It’s best practice to have a clear privacy policy in place that informs users about the data you’re collecting and how you’re using it. You may need to obtain user consent before collecting certain types of data.

    Best regards,

    Christopher Amirian

    Hi there,

    From the code you provided, you’re using useInnerBlocksProps to render inner blocks within your pixie/slider block. However, you’re also trying to add a MediaPlaceholder component within these inner blocks when no images are selected. This might be causing issues because useInnerBlocksProps is meant to be used solely for rendering inner blocks, and not other components.

    One possible solution is to conditionally render either the MediaPlaceholder or the inner blocks depending on whether images are selected:

        edit: function (props) {
          // ... your code ...
          return el(
            isSelected && el(
              // ... your code ...
              { className: className },
              hasSelectedImages ? 
              ) :
              el(MediaPlaceholder, {
                labels: { title: 'Slider Images', instructions: 'Drag images, upload new ones or select files from your library.' },
                onSelect: function(newImages) {
                  setAttributes({ images: newImages });
                accept: 'image/*',
                allowedTypes: ['image'],
                multiple: true,
                gallery: true,
                icon: el(BlockIcon, { icon: 'format-gallery' })

    In the above code, I’ve used the ternary operator ? : to conditionally render either the inner blocks or the MediaPlaceholder based on the hasSelectedImages value.

    Another thing to note is that your save function doesn’t seem to make use of the images attribute, and it doesn’t have access to it currently. If you need to use the images attribute in the save function, you would need to destructure it from the props:

        save: function ({attributes, className}) {
          const {images} = attributes;
          // ... your code ...

    Best regards,

    Christopher Amirian

    Hi there,

    The query rendering issue on update, is likely because you’re trying to directly update a nested object property which can be tricky in React. When updating nested state in React (and by extension, Gutenberg’s block attributes which use a similar system), you must make sure to create a new object at each level of nesting to ensure that React knows to re-render.

    When you use the setAttributes function, the argument you pass in should be a new object that replaces the old attributes object. However, in your current code, the merge() function does not create a new object for the query attribute. Because of this, React does not see the query attribute as having changed, and therefore does not cause a re-render.

    To fix this issue, you can try to spread out the query attribute into a new object before passing it into setAttributes. Here’s an example of how you could update your onChange handler:

    onChange={(newVal) => {
        query: {
          commentCount: {
            value: parseInt(newVal),

    In this code, ...attributes creates a new object with the same properties as attributes, and ...query does the same for query. This ensures that React will recognize the new attributes and query objects as having changed, causing a re-render when setAttributes is called.

    Best regards,

    Christopher Amirian

    Hi there,

    Maybe this change can help?

     * Override the meta title for jpeg/tiff images
     * @link
    add_filter( 'wp_read_image_metadata', function( $meta, $file, $sourceImageType )
        if( ! empty( $meta['title'] ) && in_array( $sourceImageType, $image_types ) ) {
            // get filename without path
            $filename = basename($file);
            // strip extension from filename
            $filename_no_ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
            // set title to filename without extension
            $meta['title'] = $filename_no_ext;
        return $meta;
    }, 10, 3 );

    The code uses the basename() function to get the filename, and the pathinfo() function to strip out the extension.

    This code will modify the title to be the filename without extension for JPEG and TIFF images. Please ensure you backup your site before making any changes, and test this in a safe environment before implementing on a live site.

    Hi there,

    It seems to be an issue of mixing the two translation methods.

    If you use the Advanced Translation Editor (ATE), you should only access the translated pages via ATE and not directly change anything inside the WordPress Block Editor on the translated page.

    Here is how to do the translation using ATE.

    If you use the manual translation, then you need to turn off ATE for that page and follow these steps.

    Best regards,

    Christopher Amirian

    Hi there,

    Unfortunately, that is the case and according to this link it is considered as wont fix:

    You are welcome to ask again there to see if there is a chance to re-consider that.

    Best regards,

    Christopher Amirian

    To remove the red border when the button is clicked and in the “loading” state, you can use the :active pseudo-class. This will remove the border while the button is being pressed/clicked:

    button:active {
      outline: none;

    For more information:

    I should also thank @pingram3541 with a great piece of code.

    You did it man!

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