Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlugNedit] How to reduce the size of the frameAdjusting the “editor margin width” seems to have worked. Thank you very much.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I change where clicking on an image takes me?Thanks Again
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I change where clicking on an image takes me?Forget it…. Such a NOOB… once I realized where the linking was being set, I figured it all out… I see it there on the edit page… Thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I change where clicking on an image takes me?I re read what you said and figured out the issue…. when I am inserting the media to the page i HAVE TO specify where I want it to link to. I completely missed that.
Can I change that link once it is embedded or do I have to remove and re-insert all the images?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I change where clicking on an image takes me?in that specific case I will end up having it link to a pdf of our catalog. on some of the other pages i want to set the link to another page or whatever.
how do I change the link?
I have tried changing it on the image details in the media on the edit page
I have tried changing in on the actual media.
I have tried to change the permalinks (although I may have been doing that one wrong)Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I change where clicking on an image takes me?here is the site page link
And if you click on the box “WE OFFER SEVERAL….” end up here
that is what I want to change
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I change where clicking on an image takes me?yes, it does the same thing…. I can go to the product page and when I click on the image it sends me to a default page with the image and name in the body.
** I did what you suggested and deactivated all plug ins and changed themes adn the results were the same.**
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I change where clicking on an image takes me?I’m not sure… Can I switch themes without loosing all the stuff I have set in the various features of this theme (which by the way is just a custom thing with a few bells and whistles developed by the person who setup the site long before I got here)
and if not can I backup everything and restore it should things go awry?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Help adding widget to footerok
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Admin form entry not showing on pageThank you so much. You have definitely gone above and beyond to help me get this thing going.
And, I will agree, again, with you that this is set-up isn’t ideal. My plan is to get this to where I want it for public consumption and then I can at my leisure build a site from the ground up.
And thanks for the debug tip, I wasn’t aware of that ability.
All the best to you.Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Admin form entry not showing on pageALL MOST THERE!!! I took your code and put it in and nothing showed, but i played around with it (hoping to get lucky) and now it shows but there is a formatting issue… if the description line is short (less than 260 wide) all is good but if it is longer it pushes everything down.
I put an “echo $matches[3];” in the div for the images (i figured that would put it below the images) but it isn’t keeping a 260 width limit. I know basic styling but if i put a “style=”width: 260px”;” before the echo nothing shows up on the page again. what would be the context for setting the style width (or any other) in there?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Admin form entry not showing on pageI am still having trouble with the regexps. I did what you suggested with putting the line of code in and getting the response:
I saw that when I did that the description that I had entered into one of the forms showed up where as it doesn’t when the page is normal. Just have to figure out how to call it up.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Admin form entry not showing on pageThank you for your response. It is a thorough and good explanation. I understand about 80% of it.
I agree and would rather get rid of this if I could, But I am just learning my way around WP and am using the process of making it work correctly to learn how to do it better. And I can’t start cutting out sections until I see how it interacts with everything else. REDESIGN of the site is definitely part of this process but it will come as I proceed.Hopefully I can answer the parts that you need by explaining the process on my end a little better.
It appears that the person who set the site up did design a custom theme.
in the functions.php (I think) it adds a basic page entry form (pic1 and 2) called “Product Listings”. this form serves to add content to the pages. I can select which page on the form. The Script separates between the “products” page and all other pages. On the Products page I put our different divisions and their applications. the other entries are funneled into sections on the individual divisions pages to display machines.
in the products.php I see the code that I put in my first post. which applies to the “product page” which generates this page (pic3)As far as a text tab, i don’t see one. I will provide the page source code and a link to the page if you can find it in there. (I think that is what you are asking for.) you neeed anything else to figure it out let me know… I will fiddle around with it as I get a chance today, using what I understand about the regexp you explained.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Admin form entry not showing on pageYes it will always occur in the same spot.
right now it goes; image1, image2, ul1, ul2
I want it to go image1, image2, description, ul1, ul2As far as I can tell the line of code is
<?php preg_match('/(<img[^>]*\/>).*(<a.*<img[^>]*\/><\/a>).*(<ul.*<\/ul>).*(<ul.*<\/ul>)/s', $content, $matches); ?>
But I am lost with all the ><\/*>< stuff. and I don’t know what to call the text to reference it…
I could put the description in an OL to make it more identifiable, I would just need the list formatting removed before placement in the pageand what do you mean by raw text? what I enter in the admin form?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Admin form entry not showing on page
an image of the form screen and output page