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  • you are passing in delete-job as the capability. However looking through the docs I could not see a capability called delete-job. Perhaps this is stopping WP from adding the menu correctly?

    Instead of using wp_list_pages, use get_pages instead. You can then use a foreach loop to loop through the pages and extract the pieces of data about the page that you want.

    Take a look at this codex page.

    At the bottom is an example which is probably close to what you are trying to do I think.

    pleasure ??

    One way is to edit the css of your theme, which might be better than modifying the HTML.

    so on the Dashboard click on the Appearance link, and then on the edit CSS link.

    This will open the CSS Stylesheet Editor.

    find the line

    #commentform textarea#comment { width: 91%; }

    and modify it to say

    #commentform textarea#comment { width: 91%; display: block; }

    hopefully that should solve your problem

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Auto tags to post

    do a search in the plugin gallery, using ‘auto tags’ in the search box brings up many different plugins

    I am assuming you are talking about the admin panel right?

    If you have an ad widget I am guessing that you are using the plugin to do this?

    Try the following steps to see if this helps :-

    1. Deactivate the plugin you are using to give you and ad widget.
    2. If this doesn’t work try deactivitaing all your plugins, one by one, to see if your widgets re-appear.

    pleasure and good luck in your search


    I do not really think this is a WordPress question, but a query of a more general nature.

    One way of doing this is to store meta data about each document in a database (title, location etc) and then store in a separate table or tables ‘tags’ about each document, much like you get tags on posts in WordPress. You could then search the tags to give you a list of documents meeting certain criteria.

    You can also buy document indexing/archiving/searching systems if you take a look on the internet.


    There is some information here from an old support log. Maybe try some of the things suggested in the post and see if they help?

    A quick search through the plugin gallery on here for ‘Members’ brings up many plugins which sound like they will do the job you want. I suggest you start with the first one and work your way down. Having had a quick look at some of the descriptions of the plugins I’m sure you will quickly find one that will work for you. Have fun!

    There are a couple of points here so I will try and address them one at a time :-

    1. The file ‘wp-config.php’ already exists

      If you have got past the initial stage already then the WP installation will have attempted to create the wp-config.php file for you, and in your case it sounds like the installation process has created the WP config file. If you want to start over again you can either 1) Ignore the message and carry on. As long as the values in the config file are correct then this will not cause a problem. 2) Rename the file to something like wp-config-1.php. However everytime you re-run the installation you will need to rename the file to something different each time. 3) Delete the file (even though I know you have said you do not want to). It will not cause a problem if you do, as the WP installation process should create it for you again.

    2. “…failed to open stream…”

      A quick search on google seems to suggest that in this case it sounds as if something has not gone quite right with the extract and upload to the website. I would strongly recommend seeing if you can verify the correct file structure of your WordPress install on the server. Something else to try would be to check the permissions, but with current versions of WordPress this is probably not an issue. If you are using CPanel I believe there is a File Manager option which, if you open it and navigate to the relevant folder, should be able to tell you what the permissions are.

    Good luck with your install, and I hope you get it working.

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