As you can see in on the web-page the ticker shows 4 tickers but only two of them are category=1 the other two are category=5
So no it is not working fine.
here is my code
[wp_ticker category=”1″ ticker_title=”In-Stock”?color=”#000″ background_color=”#2096CD”?effect=”fade” fontstyle=”normal” autoplay=”true” title_color=”#000″ border=”false”]
I do have the category id as “1”
Now I just retype everything under the copied code here it is:
[wp_ticker category=”1” ticker_title=”In-Stock”?color=”#000″ background_color=”#2096CD”?effect=”fade” fontstyle=”normal” autoplay=”true” title_color=”#000″ border=”false”]
[wp_ticker category="1" ticker_title="In-Stock" color="#000" background_color="#2096CD" effect="fade" fontstyle="normal" autoplay="true" title_color="#000" border="false"]
The top shows all tickers and the new type in code does not show anything?