chris howard
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Extend wpColorPicker options to match IrisIdeally, I’d like the wpColorPicker by default to have the hue as the primary control (i.e. in the slider). So then I can pick my colour and not lose it when I start adjusting lightness.
I would assume most people would have wanted easiest control over color, not saturation. But have been told user testing favoured the latter. Weird!
PS Yes, I know that really, we’d most of the time have a hex colour code and just enter that anyway. But sometimes we experiment. And, notably, hue in the slider is the Photoshop default.
It just OS pickers that seem to think saturation is the thing people want tightest control on. I reckon it’s just a visual thing, not usability – i.e. the big rainbow looks better in the OS interface.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MP6] Why is Admin Menu z-index:80000?Yeah. The plugin is using QTip2 and it sets it’s base z-index at 15000. Given its popularity, they and WP might have to have a chat.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Add a filter to the edit.php post list screen after the page titleThanks, bcworkz. That achieved what I needed. Not sure if it’s a bit hacky, but did the job. I also didn’t need to do any of the extra tricks you said.
Thanks heaps.
Sorry, I totally missed your reply back then! Will check out update. Thanks heaps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Push Syndication] Controlling author of syndicated postsDitto!
Ah! This thread
Tells me to change the table prefix. Now I can see my galleries across all multisites! woots!
I turned off the readonly for the gallery path field, which then lets me set the same path for every blog. Still a little bit manual and does require a code hack.
In NGG 1.9.10, open admin/settings.php goto line 341 (the Gallery Path option) and add two forward slashes // before the: if (is_multisite())
Save and you should then have write access to that field!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Photo] [Plugin: User Photo] How to RETURN photo instead of ECHO photo?Same question here.
Also notice int he code you’ve already written the functions to do this, but not made them available.
Is this likely to be made active soon?
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Can CPT be renamed Custom Content Types?And I notice Quick Installs and Fantastico still categorize WordPRess as a blogging software.
Changes like renaming Custom Post Types to Custom Content Types will help change this misconception about WP as a CMS.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Visual design issue in 3.2b1Thanks! I couldn’t work out where to take this one. Appreciate that.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: category__in && stickySame. Can this please be fixed.
Also, if your use category__and then all stickies are returned from all categories – although, ironically, displayed first.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Php memory limit not updatedThis trick doesn’t work for me ever since WP 3.
what I found worked was to create a PHP.INI file in the wp-admin folder with the line:
memory_limit = 128M
(or whatever you want to make it)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin blown up & possible Virus??this virus also adds two files to the wp-includes folder called:
streams.phpAny affected file will have a date stamp of 28/02/10
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Version 3.0 FeaturesBlocks/regions like Drupal does. Widget sidebars are a little bit in that direction, but need to take it the next step where you can create and define all your block in the admin, and optionally define their content. Then in the theme design (via css, html) it’s simply a matter of saying where each block goes and (if not defined in the backend), what each’s content is.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Contact Forms not sending emailWould love an answer on this. Mine were working fine until the DNS records were changed (from development to live server). I fixed the necessary paths and it now sends the email to me, but doesn’t send the email to the enquirer.