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  • I see you’re using W3Total Cache, do you know if it is set to minify anything at all as I have heard of this causing similar problems that don’t always go away immediately when switched off?

    It might not be ideal, but plan b could be to stop the menu from being fixed at the top of your window at all so it just scrolls with everything else.

    So… this is kind of weird. At first I thought it might be a caching issue, but when I tried to reload your site without the cache (shift-f5) I started seeing the problem as well. It seems to be an intermittent issue as sometimes if I reload without cache it works fine, sometimes it doesn’t. I’m afraid the best I can suggest right now would be to try and narrow down the source of the problem. If possible disable your plugins one at a time to see if that solves things, It could be going back to standard twenty fouteen as well to see if the problem happens there too.

    Did you fix this? I’m visiting your website in Chrome (for Windows) and it seems to be working fine.

    Hello, I think you might need to use do_shortcode to include your button.

    Theme Author Chrisdc1


    Ok I feel like this is getting rather complicated for adding one extra word, and it didn’t help I gave you the wrong function earlier (get_template_directory instead of get_styleshhet_directory), sorry about that. I hope nobody feels I’m trying to ignore or replace their hard work, but I’ve put together my own version of the child theme.

    I’ve removed any extra functions from template-tags.php to keep things simple and it seems to be working on my end so this might solve things.

    Theme Author Chrisdc1


    Sorry i should have mentioned that this line:

    <?php require get_template_directory() . '/inc/template-tags.php'; ?>

    assumes you are putting template-tags.php into a subdirectory. What you are doing is fine, but can you change that line to:

    <?php require get_template_directory() . '/template-tags.php'; ?>

    In style.css can you try taking the quotes out of this line:

    @import url(“../elucidate/style.css");

    so it becomes:

    @import url(../elucidate/style.css);

    In answer to your question: It actually works the other way around. Keep the child theme activated and any future changes to Elucidate will be reflected in your child theme as well. It should be fine to upgrade to 1.1 once your child theme is ready.

    I’m glad you like my theme ??

    Theme Author Chrisdc1


    Glad I can help. You can do something very similar with categories. Add this to your custom css:

    .home .post-categories,
    .archive .post-categories,
    .search .post-categories {
       display: none;
    Theme Author Chrisdc1


    Sorry, I was just in the middle of writing something when I saw Antonietta’s latest reply. You’ve just about got things covered but I few quick notes:

    Copying over your modified template-tags.php will work but you need to tell WordPress to open this file. Create a file called functions.php in your theme and paste this into it:

    <?php require get_template_directory() . '/inc/template-tags.php'; ?>

    In the style.css header you will also need to make sure you change the theme name and include this line:

    Template: elucidate

    I would also recommend making the other changes Antonietta suggests if you haven’t already.

    Theme Author Chrisdc1


    It should still be possible I think, if you download the Elucidate code from onto your computer you could use this to create a child theme locally, which you can then upload from the dashboard as a zip file (there’s an upload theme button on the add themes screen).

    A child theme is best if it’s possible, but if it isn’t you could install Jetpack and use it’s edit css tool to hide the tags. Something like this should work:

    .home .tag-links,
    .archive .tag-links,
    .search .tag-links {
       display: none;
    Theme Author Chrisdc1


    Hello, sorry for digging up an old thread but I just wanted to let you know I’ve updated this theme to include an optional front-page template with support for this. I’ll mark this thread as resolved, but feel free to share any feedback you may have on this.

    Theme Author Chrisdc1


    Hello, as Antonietta said a child theme is the way to go here. It sounds like you’ve already found the fuction you need to change (elucidate_byline()) so all you would need to include in your child theme is style.css with a header as shown on the codex page (make sure you change the @import line) and functions.php with your modified version of elucidate_byline().

    If you were to upgrade to Elucidate 1.1 right now all that would happen is that your modifications would be overwritten by the standard code, so it’s best to make your child theme first and then upgrade.

    I hope that’s some help, let me know if you have any questions and I’ll do my best to answer them..

    Theme Author Chrisdc1


    Hello the best way to do this would be to make a simple child theme. If you’ve never made one of these before I would recommend this page in the codex for a good introduction.

    You should only need 2 files in your child theme.

    You don’t actually need to make any css changes but you’ll need to include the header information as shown on the codex page. Make sure you update the @import url("../twentyfourteen/style.css");
    to @import url("../elucidate/style.css"); as this loads Elucidate as the parent theme.

    The tag lists are generated by the function elucidate_meta() in inc/template-tags.php As this is a pluggable function we can override it in a child theme so create functions.php and add this modified version of the function. (note that the tags code on lines 13-16 now only runs when you are viewing single pages.

    I hope that helps, and thanks for using my theme. Let me know if you need any further guidance with this.

    I’ll be honest and say this has me a little puzzled, but I’m happy to help narrow things down a bit, here are a few more thought:

    This sounds almost, but not quite like the custom menu limit issue some people experience. It could be worth trying the solution listed on that page in case you’ve stumbled into something similar.

    Again, these are things you may have already done, but it’s always worth disabling any plugins you may have installed to see if that fixes things. I would also turn on debugging if you haven’t already.

    If you’re happy to share your code at this stage I could also try your theme in my test environment this evening to see if I can reproduce the issue.

    Ok, when you say the old position gets reverted does that mean that the menu items go back to their old places in the edit menus screen, or do they stay where you put them there but fail to update on the site itself?

    Off the top of my head I can’t see anything wrong with your code. I saw a similar thread recently where menu changes would save in some browsers but not ie for some reason, so it might be worth trying a different browser if you haven’t already. At the very least it might help narrow down the source of the problem.

    EDIT: sorry if this is a silly question, but just to check: have you tried editing the menu using a different theme? It could be a problem with user permissions or something else in your setup rather than your theme code.

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