Hi Tobias,
I have to deal with a preproduction virtual server. For that I dump my wordpress database in a SQL file, change the path and the URLs with a sed and reimport all that on a preproduction database.
My problem is that the entry wp_table_reloaded_tables is cleared the first time I read the wp-table reloaded admin page. Here are the dumps :
on the production :
(320, 0, 'wp_table_reloaded_tables', 'a:3:{i:1;s:24:"wp_table_reloaded_data_1";i:2;s:24:"wp_table_reloaded_data_2";i:3;s:24:"wp_table_reloaded_data_3";}', 'yes');
on the preproduction, just after the copy :
(320, 0, 'wp_table_reloaded_tables', 'a:3:{i:1;s:24:"wp_table_reloaded_data_1";i:2;s:24:"wp_table_reloaded_data_2";i:3;s:24:"wp_table_reloaded_data_3";}', 'yes');
On the preproduction, just after I read the plugin’s admin page :
(320, 0, 'wp_table_reloaded_tables', 'a:0:{}', 'yes'),
This solution is working for all the other plugins…
Thanks for the help and for the plugin