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  • I just finished creating a tutorial on how to add different types of columns in a WordPress template. The first example from my tutorial sounds exactly like what you need.

    ????// Custom loop that adds a clearing class to the first item in each row
    ????$args = array('numberposts' => -1, 'order' => 'ASC' ); //For this example I am setting the arguments to return all posts in reverse chronological order. Odds are this will be a different query for your project
    ????$allposts = get_posts($args);
    ????$numCol = 2; // Set number of columns
    ????// Start Counter
    ????$counter = 0;
    ????foreach ($allposts as $post) {
    ????????$content = '<div class="columns-'.$numCol.($counter % $numCol == 0 ? ' first' : '').'">'; // Add class to first column
    ????????$content .= '<h3><a href="'.$post->guid.'">'.$post->post_title.'</a></h3>';
    ????????$content .= $post->post_content;
    ????????$content .= '</div>';
    ????????echo $content;
    ????????$counter ++;
    <style type="text/css">
    ????/* Added styles here for the demo, but ideally you would put this in a stylesheet.*/
    ????.columns-2 {
    ????.first {

    The above code uses the modulus operator like @alchymyth suggests in order to add a “clearing” class every X posts in a loop. CSS is then used to float the posts into columns and clear at the beginning of each row.

    Feel free to check out the full tutorial here:

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