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  • Thread Starter Chris Billett


    Solved this eventually with:

    preg_match('@(https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@', $content, $matches);
    $captured_url = $matches[0];

    … before line 22 of the original functions.php – I obviously then replaced the later ‘get_permalink()’ with ‘$captured_url’

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: video issues
    Chris Billett


    You’ll see why it doesn’t do video if you look in functions.php – there is a lot of relatively complex code to grab the image and manipulate it. I would image that video embedding (and methods of doing so) are too varied for the various matches to extract, manipulate and rewrite embedded videos consistently.

    Thread Starter Chris Billett


    Now thinking I need a preg_match to grab the hyperlink from the post, and then reinsert instead of ‘get_permalink()’ on the line:

    $grid_img = '<a href="'. get_permalink() .'" title="' . $title_attr . '">' . $grid_img . '</a>';

    Have tried and failed. Any input appreicated… although I get the feeling this is beyond most people judging from the amount of PHP experts who’ve banged their heads against it today.

    Thread Starter Chris Billett


    Ok, so it seems that in functions.php the image information is being captured here:

    preg_match('/<img(?:.+?)src="(.+?)"(?:[^>]+?)>/', $content, $matches);
    	$img_url = ($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : '';
    	//echo "\n<!-- $img_url -->\n";
    	if ($img_url) {
    		// first, try to get attributes.
    		$matches_w = $matches_h = array();
    		preg_match('/width="([0-9]+)"/', $matches[0], $matches_w);
    		preg_match('/height="([0-9]+)"/', $matches[0], $matches_h);
    		if ($matches_w[1] and $matches_h[1]) {
    			$w = $matches_w[1];
    			$h = $matches_h[1];
    		else {
    			// get original size info.
    			$upload_path = trim( get_option('upload_path') );
    			$mark = substr(strrchr($upload_path, "/"), 1); // default mark is 'uploads'
    			$split_url = split($mark, $img_url);
    			if ($split_url[1] != null) {
    				$img_path = $upload_path . $split_url[1];
    				list($w, $h) = @getimagesize($img_path);

    … but it doesn’t include the ‘a=href…’ that wraps it. Then, further down, it’s writing this:

    $title_attr = esc_attr($post->post_title); //the_title_attribute('echo=0');
    		$grid_img = '<img src="' . esc_url($img_url) . '" alt="' . $title_attr . '" width="' . $nw . '" height="' . $nh . '" />';
    	 	$grid_img = '<a href="'. get_permalink() .'" title="' . $title_attr . '">' . $grid_img . '</a>';

    … so it’s putting its own permalink in. I’m not good enough at this to capture the original link and reinsert instaled of the ‘get_permalink()’ function (although I think I’m close) but is anyone else?

    Thread Starter Chris Billett


    Hey Isa,

    Sorry – I’m quite awful at keeping track of threads I’ve started. I’m updating all my plugins/WordPress installs today on various sites, and will check back to you if I keep having this problem. ’tis certainly an odd one!

    Thread Starter Chris Billett


    I have fixed this. I googled ‘unfoldmenu=1’ to see if I could manipulate the setting directly in the database or something, and found this post:

    “Fixed the problem by dragging and dropping the “…/plugins.php?unfoldmenu=1″ URL into the address bar.”

    (… can be any .php i.e. index.php?unfoldmenu=1 if you’re on the admin homepage!)

    I had the same problem (2.8.4) and fixed the same way. Thanks for the tip.

    Thread Starter Chris Billett


    I just ballsed up my install entirely, so am reinstalling all but wp-config and my theme anyway, so we’ll see if that fixes it. A fix for next time would still be ace!

    Yup – had this problem too. Made a new thread (not enough info in this title)

    Thread Starter Chris Billett


    (I should say – on two different servers/installs)

    Thread Starter Chris Billett


    Sure am! I’ve had this happen twice, in fact.

    I should note, re-reading that, that I didn’t ‘hire’ Shane so much as approach him to do some work, at which point he said he was too busy and that I should get Austin Passy to do the work. I gave him three days to do the project, and at the end of the three days received this:

    “Hey Chris,

    Really sorry I didn’t get this completed yesterday. Got swapped on another project I thought I could finish. And I just heading out my door, won’t be on my computer again till Monday.”

    Lovely. Getting slightly off topic here, but don’t want my previous comment to be misunderstood.

    I’m having similar problems, both with the app, and with the arrogance/ignorance/lack of responsibility on behalf of the pepole involved. I won’t say it’s the developers entirely, as they don’t offer support unless paid for, but even that’s questionable as the plugin just doesn’t seem finished, or to work in many circumstances.

    There seem to be a lot of unofficial people running around acting like developers or staff members of the development team, who aren’t. It was suggested to me that I hire someone to do some work on a site that needed this plugin, and I went for Shane, who then passed the job onto someone else who, having promised to deliver to a deadline (that I had a client relying on) simply ignored me then emailed me saying “sorry, I didn’t get around to doing this.” – brilliant!

    All in all I’d say my experiences with this plugin have been shocking, not entirely due to faults by the developers, but as a result of the entire way the projet has been run.

    Thread Starter Chris Billett


    Thanks Alex. n’ the software is great – good job. ??

    I am having this issue, and have seen several threads with it still unresolved. The database is correct, but the posts do not show in Manage Pages – any joy, anyone?

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