Forum Replies Created
Here’s the same problem: This block contains unexpected or invalid content.
Tested with caching activated and deactivated. And with Admin and Editor user.There’s a console error:
Block validation: Block validation failed for
Object { name: "pb/accordion-item", icon: {…}, keywords: [], attributes: {…}, providesContext: {}, usesContext: [], selectors: [], supports: {…}, styles: [], blockHooks: [], … } ).
Content generated bysave
<div class="wp-block-pb-accordion-item c-accordion__item js-accordion-item no-js" data-initially-open="false" data-click-to-close="true" data-auto-close="true" data-scroll="false" data-scroll-offset="0"><h2 id="at-20279" class="c-accordion__title js-accordion-controller" role="button">fasd</h2><div id="ac-20279" class="c-accordion__content"></div></div>
Content retrieved from post body:
<div class="wp-block-pb-accordion-item c-accordion__item js-accordion-item no-js"><h2 id="at-20279" class="c-accordion__title js-accordion-controller" role="button">fasd</h2><div id="ac-20279" class="c-accordion__content"></div></div>Thanks in advance,
ChrisForum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Access Manager] PDF download not working with WP 6.1OK, it works now, thank you very much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Access Manager] PDF download not working with WP 6.1Yes, all protected downloads are broken, I had to switch off UAM File settings > Lock files
@gm_alex: Any chance of getting this fixed soon?
Do you need some donations here? -> DonateForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Getwid - Gutenberg Blocks] Image Hotspot: Tooltip positions change on saveForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] Display featured image for pagesHi Abhishek,
Oh, that’s true, when installed the metaboxes appear! That’s magic, you’re a sorcerer ??
Thank you very much!
ChrisForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] Display featured image for pagesHi,
Sorry for responding late, unfortunately your screenshot is gone…
So I don’t have any “Oceanwp settings section” or “OceanWP settings Metabox” on the page, that’s all you see:
And that’s not Elementor, that’s the Gutenberg Block Editor.
I’ve tried it on different WordPress installs even on a different server, and there is nowhere a “Oceanwp settings section”…Can this be activated or deactivated somewhere?
Thanks for your help,
ChrisOK, it works now, after activating an deactivating some booking and the cancelling options, subscribers can cancel, great! Thanks!
I use PHP 7.2…
Just managed to show the cancelation link with only uncommenting:
/* && $EM_Event->get_bookings()->has_open_time() */
But still no luck with cancelling as subscriber…
Now I’ve managed by uncommenting 3 conditions to show the link:
<?php $cancel_link = ''; /* if( !in_array($EM_Booking->booking_status, array(2,3)) && get_option('dbem_bookings_user_cancellation') && $EM_Event->get_bookings()->has_open_time() ){ */ $cancel_url = em_add_get_params($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], array('action'=>'booking_cancel', 'booking_id'=>$EM_Booking->booking_id, '_wpnonce'=>$nonce)); $cancel_link = '<a class="em-bookings-cancel" href="'.$cancel_url.'" onclick="if( !confirm(EM.booking_warning_cancel) ){ return false; }">'.__('Cancel','events-manager').'</a>'; /* } */ echo apply_filters('em_my_bookings_booking_actions', $cancel_link, $EM_Booking); ?>
, but now when I click cancel, I get a warning message “You must be logged in to cancel your booking.”, see screenshot:
but my test user is logged in as subscriber… which has permission “manage_bookings”. With this the test user also doesn’t see his bookings in the backend… If the test user has “manage_others_bookings” he can see everyones bookings in the backend and he can cancel bookings in the frontend… What is now the problem here? Permission wrong?
Thanks for any advice,
ChrisForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Broken PDF thumbnail generationHi,
Exactly the same problem here on several WordPress 4.9.9 and 5.0.2 installations on one server.
PDF thumbnails support test plugin says everything’s ok: shows no errors
This little test on command line also works: clues how we could track the reason for such a problem?
Thanks in advance
Oh, it works also there, fine, thanks! I’ve noticed 2 issues:
– mixed content message from browser:
Mixed (unsafe) display contents of “”
Mixed (unsafe) display contents of “”
– on activating your plugin my h1 title goes to “font-family: Sans;” insted of “font-family: inherit;”But again, thank you very much!
You made changes? You have a new download link? The old one contains a plugin which requires the key…, no problem, it’s installed, but there’s only an error visible:
“ERROR: No OpenCage API Key found.” no, there’s need of another key ??
Hi Patrick,
You can try yourself, if you click on one of these you should see the location:
and there you see “Map Unavailable” where the Events Manager map should be and below there’s the Google iframe code.The Site Language was “German” and is now set to “English (United States).
The same here on a fresh test installation: doesn’t matter where the address is…
If you want you can have admin access…